Part 2- The Suspects

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So, my best friend was murdered in the house we all live in. 

It was confirmed a homicide- but more on that later. I will tell you about how I- of course with my luck- had to be the one to find her lying there on the living room floor. 

Before I carry on, let me tell you about the suspects- or should I say- my best friends. 

Because clearly, one of us must have committed the crime...right? 

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Cassidy Rich. I am 19 years old, and from a town right outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I also go to college outside of Philadelphia, about an hour from my home. I will give you some backstory on my life. I have two older brothers, Jack and Christian, and my parents divorced when I was two years old. They each went on to get married again- so I have four parents' total. I also have two half-sisters now, Julia and Kendall, and a step brother, Josh. 

My childhood was filled with confusion. With my parents always fighting, and then the step- parents getting involved, it was a non-stop battle in my childhood. 

I found solace in food. 

And kept finding solace in food up until the summer before my senior year of high school. I was bullied a lot for my weight- when I became best friends with Mila that did not happen as much- but she helped me the summer before my senior year drop close to 30 pounds. 

I have been able to keep it off as well- also thanks to Mila. 

I am short- about 5'2, and I have blue eyes, fair skin, and light strawberry blonde hair. I currently study Nursing in school, I am in my second year. 

I also am a lesbian. I love- and I mean really love- women. 

Speaking of women who also love women, the next suspect is Daisy Remington. Daisy Remington is 20 years old, and I met her through Mila. Mila was on the tennis team for our college- and Daisy currently is as well. It seemed as though Mila took an interest in Daisy- and they became friends. 

I'd be lying if I didn't think Daisy was hot. She has straight light brown hair with some blonde lowlights throughout, big brown eyes, and she wears glasses most of the time. She is around 5'5, and she is athletically built. She has this really sexy thing going where most of the time she looks and dresses like a tomboy, but then she does her hair and makeup and puts on a sexy dress and bam-she looks like a goddess. 

Sometimes I don't know how Daisy and Mila became friends. Daisy is extremely down-to-earth, and goes with the flow of things. She is a great listener- I am assuming Mila would just vent to her constantly- and she is overall an introvert. She is also from Pennsylvania, but more up North near the mountains. Her major in college is Kinesiology. 

The next suspect, also from a more rural area of Pennsylvania, is 19 year old Candace Moore. It is almost destined I think that Candace and Mila became friends. Candace lived across the hall from Mila and I our freshman year. Mila could probably sense one thing about Candace- she is a follower. And Mila loved someone who she could control and command. 

Candace is very pretty- she has long, thick golden blonde hair, blue eyes, a curves yet a thin waist, and she looks like the perfect girl next door. Guys love her- and she also loves them. Candace is boy crazy, ditzy, and vain. She is a Nursing major like me, and sometimes I wonder if she is too self absorbed to care for others in a healthcare capacity. 

But that isn't up for me to decide. 

Candace is a daddy's girl. Her father owns a large country club, and I have heard her multiple times on the phone with him, asking him for more money. 

I wouldn't call Candace my best friend in the entire world- but we get along fine. Though sometimes I wonder if she is smarter than she leads on. 

Speaking of girls that are actually very smart- the next suspect is 19 year old Serena Johnson. Serena is someone who I genuinely do like. I shared a room with her in my suite style dorm last year, and we always got along well. 

Serena is from New Jersey and got a scholarship to come to our college. She is a Biochemistry major- she wants to be a Doctor one day- and I think she will actually achieve her goal. 

Serena is strong- she doesn't show it- but she had a very hard upbringing. She grew up in poverty, and her father was killed when she was younger. Leaving her mom to raise four daughters on her own. Serena has gorgeous chocolate brown skin, black hair that she currently wears long and straight, big brown eyes, and she is around 5'4, and toned from running outside almost every day. 

Speaking of old roommates- the fourth girl I lived with was 19 year old Rachael Yang. Her and Mila shared a room, and I am honestly not sure if they even uttered more than 5 sentences to each other throughout the whole year. 

I don't know a lot about Rachael. I just know she is extremely smart and focused on her studies. She is an Engineering major, and she always has her nose in a book. I believe she is from New York, but I am not positive. She has mentioned a mother and father before, but not any siblings. Rachael still feels a lot like a stranger to me in many ways. She is short and petite, and has long, straight black hair, dark almond shaped eyes, and she dresses very plain and comfortable. 

Mila used to make disparaging comments about her sense of style- or lack thereof. 

The next suspect is  20 year old Nicki Delphine. Nicki was Candace's old roommate- and while Mila seemed to gravitate more toward Candace- I gravitated toward Nicki. Nicki is from Pennsylvania, only about a half hour away from me, and she lives with her mother and younger brother. She is taller, around 5'7, and has long, straight black hair with cherry red streaks and big blue eyes. 

Nicki is the life of the party- she has never met a stranger in her entire life. Her major is Social Work, and while she knows it won't make her much money, she does not care. She genuinely wants to help people, especially children. 

While Nicki is someone who always seems happy, because I have become her close friend, I know she suffers from bipolar disorder, and is on multiple medications to help her with her mood and depression. It is not something that she tells many people about. 

I had suspected in the past that Mila might have gotten jealous over my friendship with Nicki- but I would make it known to Mila that she was my best friend. 

The last suspect is 19 year old Natalie Hernandez. Natalie and Mila became fast friends- because they got played by the same guy- and wound up ganging up on him to get revenge. After that, they remained friends. When Natalie had issues with her old roommates, Mila invited her to come live with us. 

Natalie is Hispanic, she has caramel colored skin, long, wavy dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. She is about 5'4 and has curves for days. And she loves to show them off through her many form fitting outfits. 

Natalie is from Philadelphia, and her family owns a restaurant that infuses Colombian and Peruvian dishes. I know her family is very hard working, and she is as well. Her major is psychology, and sometimes I feel like she needs to give herself her own psych evaluation- because she is a hot head. If there was ever someone that was a true Aries- it is Natalie. 

I get along with Natalie, but she has had her run ins with all of us- Mila included. 

In one night all of our worlds were turned upside down. 

But one of us was the cause of that. 

And for Mila, I was going to find out who. 

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