Part 29- The Reveal

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TW: This chapter is intense. I don't know how else to warn you by not giving things away but it's intense.

"You're in danger, Cassidy."

I lifted up my head to the extremely familiar voice- one that I hadn't heard in...6 months.

"Mila? Mila, is that you?" I asked, desperately.

"Cassidy, listen to me. You are in grave danger right now. And you can't let what happened to me, happen to you."

I looked to see Mila leaning over me. Her blonde hair was hanging down, lightly touching me. Her blue eyes were full of concern.

I hadn't forgotten what she looked like. Of course I hadn't. I constantly looked at pictures of the two of us together. But I was starting to forget, in a way, what her presence felt like. And to be in her presence again...I almost realized I had taken my time with her, while she was here, for granted.

"Wait, what's going on. How are you here?" I asked Mila.

"I love you, Cassidy. Be careful. And be smart."

"No, Mila. Don't go. I've missed you so much. Please, don't leave."

Then she disappeared.

And I woke up.

The room was spinning as I opened my eyes. I was in my bed.

How did I get here?

"Sit up, Cassidy. Just go slow, you don't want to get too dizzy."

Nicki's voice was close bedside me, and I felt her gently grab my arm as she helped me sit up in bed.

I looked around the room. It was just her and I.

And the door was shut.

The night before came flooding back to me. Rachael. The bat. Coming home. Drinking tea with Nicki.

The tea. The fucking tea.

I looked at Nicki.

"Did you drug me?" I asked her. I had a pit in my stomach. "Did you put drugs in my tea?"

"Just something to help you sleep." Nicki gave me a smile- that didn't meet her eyes. She was sitting on the edge of my bed, next to me.

"What the fuck...why?" I asked her.

She looked at me. And I felt like I was looking at a complete stranger.

"I saw you and Rachael go off together from the window." Nicki said, in an eerily calm tone. "Why didn't you call the police when she came up to you like you were instructed?"

"I was going to." I said, "But Rachael said she wouldn't hurt me. And I don't know if I should have, but I trusted her."

Nicki nodded. "What did she show you?"

"A bat. The bat, I assume." I said, and Nicki's expression was blank. Then I said, " was your brothers bat."

Once again, Nicki simply nodded.

"We can talk about this." I continued, desperate to get an answer out of her. "Nic, just because your brothers bat was used, doesn't mean that you were the one that did it. I know that. When I came back to the house I was going to talk to you about it, not accuse you of anything. But you're acting fucking weird. You drugged me!"

Nicki stood up and crossed her arms. "You do realize that Mila wasn't a good person, right? She wasn't a good friend to you."

Well...that was unexpected.

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