Part 27- A Free Woman

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I came home from dinner with my brother and Nicki feeling unsettled.

Nicki and I didn't speak much the rest of dinner, and she wouldn't look at me for more than a second.

Its just a coincidence. Right? Anyone can have a baseball bat.

I got back to the house, and sat in the backyard for a while. It was peaceful.

How I wished that Mila could be outside with me experiencing this Spring night.

I sat outside for a while, feeling spring breeze on my face. I could see stars peeking out of the night sky.

It's been almost 6 months since you died, Mila. And I still have no clue who did this to you.

But I'm going to find out. And when I do.

They will pay.

"Are you alright?"

I hadn't even heard the backyard door slide open. I turned to see Daisy, leaning against it, looking at me.

"Hey." I smiled at her, "I just needed some peace and quiet. How was your event?"

"Can I join your peace and quiet?"

"Of course."

Daisy sat next to me on the step in the backyard. She leaned against me and said, "It was fun. Teaching the kids to play tennis was priceless. But some of the moms there were bothering me. They were talking about Mila, and how the murder is unsolved. They were saying they weren't sure if it would ever be solved."

Her brow was furrowed.

"I wish they would keep her name out of their mouths." I said, "It's going to be found out who did this to her."

"I know it will be." Daisy said, "It just bothered me a lot. Hearing about Mila just makes my chest feel heavy. Nothing can compare to losing a friend- and not knowing what the fuck happened."

"It's like we're in a movie. It doesn't feel like real life." I said, staring up into the sky.

"It doesn't feel real. It hasn't since the night it happened." Daisy said, then she looked at me. "Are you okay though?"

I sighed, wondering whether I should tell Daisy about what happened with Nicki.

I decided to.

"I don't know. I kind of feel like I'm just worrying about nothing here. But Nicki, Christian, and I were talking about sports. And Christian mentioned that Nicki told him she brought her brothers lucky baseball bat to school with her." I said, and Daisy's eyebrows slightly raised.

"A coincidence?" Daisy said.

"It very well could be. But I don't know...the look on Nicki's face when Christian said was almost like...she got caught." I shook my head, "But I could be reading into it too much."

"What is your gut telling you?" Daisy asked me.

"That it was weird." I said, "But there's no way in hell Nicki had something to do with this. There has to be some kind of explanation. I am fully confident in that."

"So am I." Daisy said, "I think you should talk to her about it. Just bring it up. Let it be known to her that you know she didn't do anything."

"You're right." I nodded, "She didn't do anything. So I should be able to bring it up."

"Exactly." Daisy leaned over and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

I leaned my head against her shoulder, and we sat there for a while- in comfortable silence.

I waited until Nicki was settled in the next day after her little staycation with Christian. When she came back to the house, I could tell she had a nice time. Her expression was very content and happy.

I was doing some homework on my bed when she came into the room and emptied her overnight bag on her bed. 

"I'm glad you had a nice time." I gave her a smile.

She looked at me and smiled back. "It's all thanks to you. If you hadn't introduced me to your brother, and invited me to your dads for New Years, this wouldn't be happening."

"Are you two now...official?" I asked Nicki.

"Yeah. We are." her smile widened, "We really like each other a lot. What's stopping us? We will make it work."

"Yay!" I clapped my hands, "Hey, who knows? Maybe you'll be my future sister in law."

Nicki laughed, and grinned at me. "We'll see how it goes."

There was silence for a moment, and then Nicki said, "Look. I know it was a little odd when Christian brought up my brothers lucky baseball bat last night know. But I swear it's just a coincidence."

"I'm really happy you brought it up, actually." I said, feeling relief. "Don't think for a second I thought anything of it."

"Good." Nicki nodded, "I didn't want you to. I know it's just kind of a weird coincidence."

"Totally." I said, and then thought to ask, "Where is the bat? I don't even think I've seen it here before, honestly."

Nicki paused for a moment. Then she said, "You know, I never brought it out from under my bed at the old house. There was no need to. It was just kind of there for good luck. But I actually brought it back to my brother. It's not here anymore."

I studied Nicki for a second before I responded to her. Because I wasn't 100% sure if I believed her.

And I hated myself for that.

"Well, that was nice of you." I said to Nicki, "I'm sure Brayden is putting it to great use."

"He is." Nicki said, "He just gave it to me at the beginning of the year because I was feeling anxious about going back to school."

"Understandable. And now this year is almost over." I looked down at the sheets on my bed.

And I'll be starting the next year without Mila.

My phone then started vibrating. I looked down to see the name.

Officer Fiori.

"It's Officer Fiori." I looked at Nicki, confused, "Let me answer this."

"Yeah, go ahead." she said, a concerned edge to her tone.

I picked up. "Officer Fiori, how are you?"

"Well, thanks for asking, I'm calling you today so I can give you a heads up. Rachael has been let out. She's with her parents, on her way to another location in town. She won't be going back to the house you're at."

"So...Rachael is innocent?" I asked Officer Fiori. And Nicki looked at me, her eyes wide.

"There was nothing keeping her here. She's been charged accordingly." Officer Fiori said, "But she won't have any contact with you or your housemates. And if she does contact you, call me immediately, Cassidy."

"Understood." I said, my heart pounding.

Rachael was free.

And all I could think about was the look she gave me as she got taken away by the cops.

If looks could kill.

I wouldn't be here.

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