Part 19- New Years Tears

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I spent Christmas with my mom, Brian, and my brothers. I could tell that they were going out of their way to not mention Mila and what was going on. My family seemed to be walking on eggshells around me almost- and I didn't like it.

I stayed at my mom and Brian's house until December 29th- when my dad and Melissa got back from their trip to Florida. Melissa then picked me up and took me over to her and my dads house. They live in the same town as my mom and Brian- but on opposite ends. My mom and Brian live closer to Main Street, and my dad and Melissa live on the outskirts- where all of the extremely large homes are.

When I was in high school I would spend every other weekend at my dad and Melissa's. I resented the both of them for a very long time. I always felt like Melissa took my dad from me, just to go start a new family. I never felt at home inside their 4,000 square foot abode.

While I still at times feel like a guest in my own fathers home- I have a newfound appreciation for my dad, and even Melissa since I started college.

While my mom and Brian seem to lack communication at times since I don't live at home anymore- my dad and Melissa make up for it. Especially since Mila died, Melissa and my dad have really been there for me. They talk to me like a real human, and not like they have to dance in circles around me.

So for once in my life- I actually was looking forward to spending a couple of days at my dad house. Even with my two bratty half sisters, Julia and Kendall.

I sat in the passenger seat as Melissa drove us to the house.

"Hey...could I have someone come to the New Years party?" I asked her.

"Of course. A friend or a date?" she asked, her perfectly manicured light pink nails on the steering wheel of her Tesla.

"Um...I guess she's both?" I said, feeling my cheeks flush.

Melissa gave me a knowing look. "Not quite a girlfriend, but not quite a friend?"

"She's my roommate, actually. Daisy. It's a little bit complicated. But I do really like her." I said.

"I've heard you mention Daisy before. She's on the tennis team, right?"

I was surprised Melissa remembered. "Yeah. She is." I said, "But she's more than welcome to come?"

"Of course. Does she live far? She can stay in one of the bedrooms."

"I definitely think she would need to. She lives over an hour away." I said, "Thank you."

"Absolutely." Melissa nodded, "And if you want to invite any other friends, please do. Just let me know."

"Thanks." I smiled at my step mom.

"Hey, can you talk to Julia while you're here?" Melissa said to me, "She keeps saying that she's a lesbian and that she also doesn't know what gender she is. Maybe you can help her."

"Well, I can definitely talk to her about the lesbian part. The gender part...I wouldn't be able to be much help."

"She says she feels like she is in between a girl and a guy. Some days she feels like one, some days she feels like the other. We're finding someone for her to talk to." Melissa said, a bit dismissively.

"When did this happen?" I asked Melissa, "Last I saw Julia back in August she was girly as can be."

"It started this school year. Her hair is shorter now. And purple."

I nodded, taking in what Melissa was saying about my 15 year old sister. It seemed as though Melissa's heart was in the right place, but she was a bit confused about it all.

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