Part 32- A Glimpse of Happiness

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"Cassidy, Daisy. Are you ready to go?"

Melissa knocked on the door to the bedroom that Daisy and I were in.

I was staying at my dads house- and Daisy had been staying with me the past couple of days. I needed her there with me.

Today I was going up to campus to speak to Officer Fiori and the other cops about what happened. It had been less than a week- and I was now out of the hospital, and going to give my statement about what went down.

Whether I was ready to or not.

I got into the passenger seat of Melissa's car, and Daisy got into the backseat.

"Do you want me to stop and get you coffee before? We have a few extra minutes, I can go to the drive thru at Starbucks." Melissa said, pulling out of the driveway.

Daisy didn't say anything- I knew she was waiting for me to answer.

"Sure. Thank you." I said. I didn't have much of an appetite, but I knew that Daisy probably wanted a drink.

I felt drained. Absolutely drained. Like the life was sucked out of me.

Melissa got us coffees- and she also got me a piece of coffee cake- and we made our way up to campus. Melissa initiated conversation- mostly with Daisy, as I couldn't bring myself to say much.

But I knew I was going to have to say a lot once I got into the police station.

Daisy and Melissa walked with me into the station- and I was greeted by Officer Fiori, and she brought me back into a room that was actually quite nice- it had a round table with plush chairs, and a Keurig in the room as well.

Detective Fiona Barry, who I spoke to before, was there- along with another man who looked to be in his 50's.

He stood up when we walked in.

"Hello, Cassidy. My name is Carmine Vitrelli. I'm the lead Detective on this case." he stuck out his hand, and I shook it. "I wish we were meeting under different circumstances."

"Me too." I said, sitting down in the chair that Officer Fiori was pointing to.

"How are you, Cassidy?" Detective Barry asked me, gently.

"I'm doing okay, thank you." I said to her, with a small smile.

"Cassidy, we aren't going to keep you here for super long." Officer Fiori said to me, "We just need to take a statement about what happened. Detective Vitrelli and Detective Barry will ask some questions. And then you can leave."

"Okay." I said, "Let's get started."

"Tell me, in your words- exactly what happened." Detective Vitrelli said to me.

I started with telling the Detectives about the dinner I had with my brother and Nicki- and the strange look on her face when the baseball bat was mentioned.

I then detailed the night that Rachael showed me the bat. Then how I went back to the house to calmly confront Nicki about it- but she had other plans.

"She gave me a cup of tea." I said, "I willingly said I would drink it. We walked over to the couch to drink it together, and I was trying to decide when would be a good time to bring up the bat. Then the room started to spin, and I got really tired. I remember thinking for a split second that I got drugged- and then everything went black." I said.

Detective Barry was writing, and Officer Fiori was looking at me encouragingly as I spoke to Detective Vitrelli about how I then woke up in my bedroom with Nicki next to me.

I felt a lump form in my throat as I spoke about finding out that Nicki was in on it.

"Besides Mila, Nicki was my best friend." I said, "I would have never expected this in a million years."

Now I've lost both of my best friends.

I continued, and then said, "Then Candace walked in. Almost like a grand entrance, like a mockery of Mila's death."

"Were you surprised that it was Candace?" Detective Vitrelli asked me.

I paused for a moment. I hadn't even thought of that.

So I said that. "You know...I hadn't even thought about that. But yes...I was. I had no idea who did it, truly. But I was surprised it was Candace. However- now that I know that she is...was...insane- it makes sense. Total sense."

I started to feel a pit in my stomach form as I spoke about when I made the decision to grab the gun.

"I knew Serena had a gun under her bed. I walked in on her looking at it one day." I explained, "I remembered in the moment that she had it. I knew I couldn't die in the bedroom. I needed to get out. I wasn't about to let Candace get away with murdering me too- and making it look like I did it myself. No way in hell."

I continued, "I made up an excuse to grab the gun. Candace was hesitant to let me- but Nicki told her to let me. Part of me wonders if that was any admittance of guilt. Anyway- it all happened so fast. I grabbed the gun. I know how to shoot one. And I shot Candace. She was holding up a gun to me. She was going to kill me. It was self defense."

"No one is doubting it was." Detective Vitrelli said, "You saved your life. You've saved many other potential lives."

But I couldn't save Mila's.

After the questioning, Melissa asked if we wanted to get lunch or walk around my college town- but I couldn't do that. I didn't want to stay.

When we got back to the house, Melissa was going to be meeting some of her friends for dinner.

"Use my card and order yourself some food." she said to Daisy and I, "Whatever you want."

I knew she was concerned about my eating.

Daisy and I ordered Chinese food. It was a nice night outside with a slight breeze, so we sat in the backyard, and dipped our feet in the pool.

"Thank you for staying with me this week." I said to Daisy, "I honestly can't thank you enough."

"I wasn't about to leave you alone." Daisy said, "I am so glad I am able to stay with you. I'll stay with you as long as you want me to." then she paused for a second and said, "I love you, Cassidy."

Before I could say it back, she continued, "I was going to tell you the night before...everything happened. I love you though, so much. I thought I was never going to be able to tell you for a moment there. So now that I can- I had to tell you."

I smiled at a Daisy and said, "I love you too, Daisy. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. If I told myself a year ago that I would be dating you- I would be thrilled. You're the girl of my dreams, and you always have been."

Daisy then leaned in and kissed me, and I could feel the passion as she did so.

I felt an emotion that I didn't think I would feel this week. Or for a long time- happiness.

But Daisy- she truly made me happy.

A/N- Thank you for reading!! The new story that will be coming out very soon is going to be called "Princess Charming". Not "My Best Friends Sister". Just too generic for my liking. And it's not a fantasy story. But you'll see why it's called what it is if you do choose to read it!

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