Part 4- The Aftermath

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Almost immediately after I screamed when I saw Mila, I heard footsteps pounding down the stairs.

"Cassidy is that you?" I heard Daisy's voice, extremely concerned.

The light to the living room then flickered on.


Daisy sounded like she might pass out.

When the light was on, I was able to get a really good look at Mila.

She had a gash on top of her head, which was bleeding out. Blood was getting on me, but I didn't care.

"I'm calling 9-1-1." Daisy said, grabbing my phone, that was on the ground.

I hadn't even called. It had only been about a minute total since I found Mila, but I was in such shock, that I hadn't even grabbed my phone to call 9-1-1.

"Mila...oh my god...Mila." I couldn't stop saying her name as I heard Daisy speaking into the phone. She sounded so distant.

"She's dead. She's definitely dead." I heard Daisy say.

I also hardly even noticed everyone else coming down into the living room- all I could focus on was that my best friend was lying next to me. Dead.

"What the fuck happened?" I heard Candace shriek, as the sound of sirens approached.

Before I knew it, I heard an unfamiliar voice say to me.

"You need to come outside, ma'am. I know you're in shock, but I need you to step away from the crime scene."

I stood up, shaking, still looking at Mila.

She's dead. My best friend is actually dead.

It was a cop who had spoken to me, and she led me out of the house, hands on my shoulders.

When I got outside, onto the porch, the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks. I could see neighbors coming out of their homes, wanting to know why there were multiple cop cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck outside.


All I could were what sounded like a million voices. I felt like I was in a fishbowl, underwater, and everyone talking was on the outside.

"Ma'am, can you please step off the porch. I just want to ask you a few questions."

It was voice of the same cop who led me out of the house.

I followed her off porch.

I stood in front of the cop- when I looked at her, I realized she didn't look that much older than me, maybe just a few years.

"My name is Officer Josephine Fiori (if you've read Finding April, one of my other stories, you'll know exactly who this is!) . I just want to ask you a few questions. What is your name?"

"C-Cassidy Rich." I said, stuttering. I wasn't sure if that was because I was nervous or cold.

"Cassidy, can you tell me what happened?" Officer Fiori asked me.

I looked at her. "I have no idea what happened to Mila."

"Not that. Tell me what happened, how you found her."

"Oh- I'm sorry. I woke up, thirsty. It was just after 4 am. I went downstairs to go get a glass of water and when I went into the living room, to get to the kitchen...I stepped in something wet. I turned on my phone flashlight to see what it was. It-it was blood. I could see the red of it on my foot. I then shined my light around the room...and that's when I saw Mila. Lying there on the floor. I ran over to her, and saw the gash on her head, and all the blood..."

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