chapter 51

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i look around them all with wide eyes.

"You thought you could contain me?!" the demon questions smirking, he looks around at everyone before making eyeconatct with me making me frown before he suddnely roars out.

moving his arms slightly causing everyone around the symbol to fly backwards landing apart on the floor,

i watch with wide eyes between them all as the groan in pain.

he suddenly messes with some dust in his hands before throwing it onto the floor making everyone start to scream.

"alec?! magnus?!" i scream running down the steps looking at them both screaming in agonany in the floor.

"Ahh! Magnus! Stop him! Stop him"alec scream holding his head in pain. i look over at amgnus seeing him screaming in apin still too.

i look over and see clary and jace doing the same making me glare at the demon.

i got to step towards him only for him to smile at me.

"you should stay put." he speaks nodding at me making me frown befoee i go to step again but cant.

i struggle to try and move my feet as everyone continues to scream in agony as the greater demon walks around me and over to magnus before crotching down putting his hand on magnus face.

" stupid warlock." he speaks smiring before he steps away from him back over to the middlefo the room looking over at valentine.

"Now a present for you, my dear Valentine." the demon speaks crotching down next to valentine before he places his hands on vekntines eyes making him scream out in pain still.

"jace!" i hear clary screaming out making me look towards jace seeing his eyes glowing a yellowy colour making me frown watching the way he stand up, grabbing his sleave pulling it up,

he suddnly doesn a side flip and lands on the other side of the demon making the dmeon roll his eyes and look at jace before loking at me making me frown.

" too be continued my darling." he speaks smiring before suddnely as jace swings for him he suddenyl turns into a millon bats.

everyones screaming beings to die down and i suddenly fall forwards stumbling able to move.

my eyes widen as i look straight forwards at jace, his eyes widen too.

instantly i trun around rushing over to magnus and alec who lay on the floor breathing heaily next to each other.

i sit on the floor next to them grasping at the pair of their hands looking ebtween them with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?"clary questions as jace helps her up frowning.

" I have no idea." jace replys back confsued looking over at us as i help alec situp slightly before helping magnus lean up too." Doesn't matter. He got away"jace speaks shaking his head annoyed.

"are you guys okay?" i questions looking between magnus and alec as they nod back, instantly i stand up making alec grunt as i help him up too.

"Hey, are you OK? Are you alright?"alec questions looking at amnus as he stands up too,.

" I... I think so."magnus replies back nodding his head with wide confused eyes.

"im sorry i didnt stay there, im sorry about everthing." i speak with tears in my eyes before i wrap my armss around the pair of their waist making them both slightly stumble before he they wrap their arms around me confused.

why the fuck wasnt i on the floor with their screaming out in agonay.

alec instantly picks me up hodling on his hip even though im not little i latch onto him.

"Till the end of time"-malec x ocWhere stories live. Discover now