I need you now

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Chapter 59

Elsa's POV

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, how do I tell him?

I took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hey, Elsa" Jack's voice ringed out.

"Hey," I felt myself smile.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah" I answered unconsciously.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 10 am." He said.

"Woah, slow down, for what exactly?" I replied.

"I want to introduce you to someone." He said.

Someone? Who? His parents?

"Wait, wait, who?" I asked.

"Someone important to me." He replied making me shrug. So they aren't his parents

"So... can I pick you up at 10?" He asked. "Please?" He said in a cute tone.

"Fine, fine." I giggled slightly.

"Thanks, Elsa. And I miss you so much." He added.

"What? We just met like hours ago." I laughed

"It could feel like forever, you know." He sighed.

"If you don't actually know, I'm pouting at you over the phone." He said making me laugh.

"Wait, Jack." Urgency was obvious in my tone.

"Yeah?" He replied

Tell him, Elsa.

I can't, how can I even tell something this heartbreaking to him?

Just go, tell him Elsa!

I can't. I squeezed my eyes shut and immediately answered him.

"I uhh... I miss you too, stay safe." I sighed.

"I know you do." He laughed

"And I will, Milady." He added.

"Bye" I said while tightly smiling prevent my tears to come.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." He replied then ended the call.

"Tomorrow." I whispered.

I sighed, argh. I can't even tell him! But if I don't tell him he'd hate me forever. The whole situation is just slowly tearing me apart.

I slowly walked back to the dining room and sat beside once again with Anna. I just stared at my food.

"Is something bothering you, sis?" She Asked as she added more maple syrup to her pancakes.

"N-nothing, I'm fine." I gave her a tight smile. She looked at me suspiciously.

"You do know that you're a terrible liar, right?" She asked and I felt the tears coming

"N-no, I can't do this." I stood up from my seat but Anna grabbed my wrist.

"Elsa, I'm your sister, if there's anyone who could help you with your problems, it's me." She said and by this time I was already crying.

The older sister crying in front of her younger sister. I didn't really care what It looked like that time.

"Fine," I gave in

"But we'll talk upstairs."

Jack's POV

I ended the call and sighed

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now