Game On <Part 2>

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Chapter 35

Elsa's POV

I ran to the gym as soon as the bell rang to end the class, I carefully ran down the steps and took a turn to reach the gym's entrance. The gym was being filled by unknown faces, I looked around the bleachers and saw Rapunzel at the front row along with a few other cheerleaders. I waved at her making her smile and pat the seat beside her and I plopped myself alongside. The coach blew the whistle and a wave of participants ran to the center of the gym, each with different faces. Although, one person stood out from the rest, the one and only Jack Frost. His white dyed hair stood out from any other hair color. I finally saw the coach's face; she was actually a girl who had her hair cut in a boyish style, but she absolutely looked pretty and healthy to me. All the participants stood straight and the cheerleaders were already shaking their pom poms really hard.

"Listen up little ladies! I don't care if your father is the president, an honorable judge or a rich lad! All I know is that we came here to play basketball, now give me 5 rounds, it's make your mamas proud time!" The coach ordered with her rough voice and blew her whistle, the participants followed a straight line and ran around the gym; 5 laps. Jack was sixth on the line, he winked at me as he passed by and a lot of girls squealed as they saw his stare. This continued on for 4 more rounds and Jack was still fresh, not like the others that look like they just took a shower. Merida too was still active, she even made 10 jumping jacks before coming back to the center of the gym. The coach blew her whistle once again and all of them followed a separate line, 6 to be exact.

"Each of you will be given a minute to shoot and score as plenty as your lil hands can! Only the top 15 will be considered as an official varsity member. Mr. Roberts, your up" the coach pointed to the guy in the very first line, the coach threw the basketball to him and he immediately caught it. He went to the center, a few meters away from the ring. the bell rang, signaling that the time had started. He started dribbling the ball and shooted it in the ring. Even though he never missed a shot, he moved really slow and soon, the bell rang and his time was finished, he scored 48. I didn't mind watching the other participants, I just waited for Merida, who was fifth and Jack who sixth to have their turn. The coach pointed at Merida and she ran to the center; beside the container filled with basketballs.

She dribbled the ball and soon, the bell rang and she began shooting the balls really quick. Some of the balls bounced off the ring but plenty made their way through the ring. As she finished, Mer got the total of 76 all in all. Jack came in next, he stared at the ball and breathed out a sigh. The bell rang and the time started. He took his first shot, it didn't enter. He frowned and took another shot, it just bounced off the side of the ring. The girls on the bleachers beside me started to whisper while the other participants started to snort. I looked at Jack as he looked at me disappointedly, I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up, he smiled back and took two balls in both of his hands and threw them consecutively. Both entered. A smile appeared on his face as he continued shooting rhe basketball, two at a time consecutively. So he was like a machine shooting the balls endlessly. He took a step back, he still had 15 seconds left on the clock and he continued shooting but this time, it was worth three points.

"Is that even allowed?" One participant asked the coach. The coach had a smile on her face, like she was proud of what Jack was doing.

"as long as he is shooting those balls like a mad MVP, 'course it is." she crossed her arms and nodded her head.

Jack had his final shot, he turned around, his back facing the ring. He looked at me then to the crowd and threw the ball, BACKWARDS. It was a three point shot. The bell rang and the crowd started to roar. He just did the unthinkable: he shot the basketball backwards and it was a score! He pumped his fist and looked at me, I smiled and clapped for him and he winked. He scored 81.

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