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Chapter 24

Elsa's POV

Anna came out of the washroom as I placed the sticky note inside my bag, I opened my locker to take my purse and Anna did the same. This time, Anna had a smile on her face, she giddily skipped by my side and we headed to the cafeteria. Merida waved her hand as she saw us entering, Anna and I gladly sat beside them and Rapunzel came with snacks. I sighed as we recieved our snacks, I looked at Anna and gestured her to explain. She stood up while chewing her sandwich and held her head high.

"Hans South" Anna ticked her tongue in annoyance.

"I once gave him my trust and he said that he loved me but he ended up breaking my heart and....... I drove him to coma" She said, walking from left to right making us girls gape. I still can't forget the time she did that.

"But this time..." Anna paused and faced us "I forgave him for all his mistakes but what do I get? He broke my heart again" Anna rolled her eyes

"But don't worry, this was rather a happy moment. I punched him Again and he fell flat on the ground, then I threw pie on his face and left while laughing" she giggled making us girls laugh along. Merida snorted and took her bow and arrow and stood beside Anna

"Where's the jerk? I'll shoot him" Merida contacted her brows and Anna laughed

"He's at the clinic- he has a broken nose though, so sad... he won't ever look at the mirror again" Anna said with a bit of regret while Merida patted her back. Anna smiled and took a seat and took another bite from her sandwich.

"What happened at the office" Rapunzel asked worriedly making me tap my chin and Anna sighed

"Well, thanks to Jack, we just survived from going to detention" I pouted

"Yep, he just raged like that" Anna shrugged and finally finished her sandwich.

"Well, I guess that you're excused right?" Rapunzel tilted her head and Anna raised her shoulders, not knowing the answer either.

"I guess so" I shrugged as Merida lightly tapped the table

"Stop thinking about problems and have fun  instead" Merida pleaded and we all nodded and giggled. she seems to be in a good mood.

"Soo.... about the heels thing" Rapunzel giggled making Merida groan and tuck her face in her arms

"Never.Gonna.Happen." Merida grumbled as she faced us with a hint of annoyance

"Why are you rambling about heels again?" Anna asked making Merida blush

"N-nothing" Merida immediately blurted out and I looked at her suspiciously

Rapunzel whispered to Anna making her squeal in delight

"He did?!" Anna squeaked and Merida blushed even more, what was going on?

"Hiccup asked Merida out" Anna squealed as Merida's eyes popped

"What- no, no no. It's just a friendly date" Merida denied while we girls just giggled even more.

"Ship name! Ship name!" Anna cheered

"Hirida?" Rapunzel suggested then immediately shook her head

"Hicrida?" I suggested and we all shook our heads. And we all suddenly jolted

"MERICCUP!" We all exclaimed and giggle while Merida raised a brow

"What? No! We are not together" Merida contacted her brows in displeasure.

"pshh.... we'll give you a week and let's see who's a single pringle" Anna rolled her eyes playfully making Merida blush again.

The bell rang, therefore finishing our conversation. We all giddily stood up and went our separate ways....

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now