Wish... Granted

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Chapter 41

Elsa's POV

The fireworks display had just ended very recently and we are now in front of our house. All eight of us entered, we have all agreed to watch a movie. More of an action movie, as Merida had suggested. Anna and I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn while Rapunzel was making some lemonade and Merida was setting up the DVD. The boys sat on the couch while Hiccup was fixing the speakers.

"3D or 2D?" Merida asked holding up the 3D glasses and remote.

"3D" Flynn raised his hand and the boys nodded in agreement and Merida clicked the button to initiate the 3D feature.

Anna and I hurriedly placed the popcorn in separate bowls and came right just in time for the movie. We handed them each their bowls and Merida played the movie. I wasn't sure of the title, all I know is that it was an action that consists of secret spy agents and their cool stuff like that. I sat beside Jack and Anna, Anna was beside Kristoff, Merida and Hiccup was Beside Jack while Rapunzel and Flynn sat on the floor. Merida suddenly outraged on the middle part of the movie.

"TRAITOR!!!" She yelled and threw some popcorn at the screen and Hiccup chuckled.

"It's alright my wee lamb." He teased while hugging Merida.

"Hey, I thought that you were MY wee lamb?" Merida pouted and I giggled, I'm happy for them.

"Fine, We're both wee lambs." Hiccup shrugged earning a snort from Merida. His eyes looked at Merida in adoration, He's very into her.

"Elsa...." Jack drifted off, obvious that he was sleepy. His head rested on my shoulder and snuggled closer making me blush. His head lost balance and fell on my lap and I just blushed harder, I looked at his face. He was mumbling stuff.

"I love you..." he whispered and I almost melted.

he looks cute while sleeping, I played with his soft hair and went back to watching the movie.

The movie had just finished and so far, Jack was the only one who had fallen asleep. The others and I were still wide awake and it was Rapunzel's turn to suggest a movie. She said that it was a horror movie, she handed the CD to Merida who played it on the DVD player. Rapunzel loved horror movies, it just gives her the thrill! Merida faced us before starting the movie.

"Last one to fall asleep will get anything he/she wants." She had a smile on her face.

We all stared at Jack who immediately jolted awake.

"Anything?" He asked and we all laughed.

"You were pretending to sleep this whole time, weren't you?" I laughed and he frowned.

"I just woke up a few minutes ago." He shrugged

"Yeah, yeah, break it off. Let's start the competition!" Merida laughed and started to record us using a camera.

"This will be proof to see who stays up the longest." Merida grinned and started the movie.

1/4 of the movie had finished and Anna was already sound asleep on Kristoff's shoulder and he hugged her using one arm. Rapunzel hugged a pillow tight while hiding behind Flynn, after all, it was a horror movie. So far, Anna was the only one asleep. I glanced at Jack who was dead serious on wining the bet, this guy. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.


So far... we were halfway through with the movie and Kristoff was already resting his head on Anna's head which was resting on his shoulder. Cute! Rapunzel already fell asleep and Flynn just stared at her in adoration. Merida was boredly throwing popcorn at the screen for no reason at all and Hiccup looked like he was really serious about watching the movie. Only 5 of us were awake.

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now