That's beyond my control

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A/N: Sooo I'll place the a/n here since it'll be short. First of all, thank you for your patience. I was still trying to figure out my style in writing 'cause it hit me. Maybe people were able to copy my plot simply because it lacks emotion so I tried to add a bit passion into my writing. I'm trying, really, I am. Thank you so much for tolerating my procrastination.

Anyways on the 28th of september will be my birthday and I want it to be special so I'll try updating something or anything c:

Chapter 62

Elsa's POV

I stare at the room in silence. In an uncomfortable silence. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I stared at Jack who was just right across me. He was shivering, eyes wide-just like he had been traumatized. He is traumatized, his best friend had just died; what do you expect?

And just like that, he started sobbing all over again and all I can ever do is just hug him and comfort him.

After crying, he relaxed on my shoulder. He was probably feeling light headed and I was expecting him to fall asleep in my arms when I heard him mumble "Don't leave me, Elsa."

My eyes grew in surprise and I tried to suppress a whimper as I stared down at Jack who was starting to fall asleep on my shoulder, still tensed.

I gulped and took his hand into mine, and somehow, his body relaxed a bit and he repeated "Elsa, don't leave me."

I bit my lip and whispered "I don't want to, Jack, believe me, I don't."

He was practically asleep when he mumbled "then you won't."

then you won't.

Then you won't.

It repeated itself in my head and that's when I broke down into a soft cry.

I cupped Jack's tear-stained cheek. I stared at him as if to memorized his every feature before placing a soft, gentle kiss on his forehead and said: "I'm sorry."


I was surprised when I had actually fallen asleep on the cold, uncomfortable bench right outside the room of Venice- well it used to be, at least.

I shuffled slightly, making sure not to wake Jack up. I was successfully able to get up without him waking. I went to the front counter to fetch him a thick blanket 'cause this place was just severely overdosed by air conditioners.

However, as I went back to where I left Jack, I saw him sat rather up right on the bench, with eyes as big as saucers. I was worried he'd cry all of a sudden.

But as soon as I approached him, he slowly sighed in relief and I handed him the blanket before sitting down beside him.

"You scared me." He confessed, making me tilt my head with a confused expression.

He sighed and placed both of his palms on his face, draging them down like a double face palm.

He looked so stressed- he is stressed. He stared at his lap with arched brows.

"I thought you left me." He pursed his lips

"Well I'm--"

"Sorry." He sighed.

"What?" I raised a brow.

"I'm sorry for being so annoying, I've been telling you not to leave since last night. Though I know you wouldn't, I just needed confirmation. And being the person I am, I won't stop nagging you till I get a satisfactory answer, or at least, the words I actually want to hear." He stressed.

"You're not annoying, You can never be." I paused as he looked at me skeptically.

"Well, at least not to the point that I would hate you with every single nerve I have in my body." I reassured.

Our conversation was cut short when Jack's father approached us and informed us it was aready noon-- and we still haven't eaten anything.

Jack remained unfazed and nodded his head as if to dismiss his father. The cold look on his face was rather unnerving to say the least.

Once his father was out of earshot, Jack murmured "I can't believe it."

I looked at him and he continued: "How can they act as if everything is normal, like everything's fine and nobody died?"

I remained silent, acknowledging the fact that I don't know what to say, how could you even reply to such?

"Well maybe Venice wasn't as important to them but c'mon, don't act as if the girl didn't just f***ing die!" I was taken aback by Jack's harsh choice of words. Maybe he was just overthinking the situation.

"Or maybe they want to act tough for their son, for their friends who lost someone very important." I explained

"Why should they even act tough? I don't need acting." Jack snorted bitterly.

"Maybe they thought that they could comfort other people better that way, obviously, a broken person can't just fix another broken person." I enlightened him and Jack's face softened.

"But that's just a big maybe." He still denied.

"And at the same time, it could be true." I countered.

There was a few moments of silence before Jack finally nodded, stood up, and held a hand to me.

He forced out a smile as I looked up at him.

"Let's have brunch?"


Venice's parents hd informed us that the funeral would be tomorrow. And at the same time, it struck me that I was leaving the day after the funeral. Still, Jack knows nothing and I seriously don't know how to tell him at the state he's in. I hate it, must I leave at such a bad time?
Once Jack and I were alone again, I sucked in a deep breath, I knew I had to tell him.

"Jack," I addressed rather urgently.

He hummed in response and looked at me.



I'm leaving in two days and I'm so sorry, I don't want to leave you and it's just seriously tearing me apartY I'm so sorry "I love you."

Jack smiled weakly and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and whispered "I love you too."

I just wanted to kill mysef then and there, I'm such a coward. I know that Jack deserves to know. And I a m hindering him from that right.

What kind of person am I?

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