My life...

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Chapter 4

Elsa's POV

I watched as Jack's tall figure disappeared as he took a turn at a corner. I sighed and looked at Anna who was fixing my hair. "There, all good" Anna smiled as she letted go of my hair. "I'm hungry, shall we go?" I invited her and she nodded, obviously hungry too. People made way as Anna and I passed, I setted my eyes downcast while Anna giddily skipped on our way to the cafeteria. We saw Rapunzel and Merida waiting for us at the entrance "there ye are!" Merida exclaimed "I'm already hungry! Let's go!" She said pulling our arms and entered the cafeteria. We were shocked to see the cafeteria full of students and there was no sign of vacant seats. I hate it when that happens, cause it automatically means that we are sitting at the huge round table which was next to the big four's table. Our group doesn't really have a group name, I really don't see why we should have one, so we decided not to have a group name. We sat at the round table and saw that the big 4 wasn't there, probably at the field. I seldomly sit here so I don't know what the big four exactly look like, that's why I didn't know that it was Jack Frost who I was speaking with earlier. Weird huh? Us sitting there was like a nightmare,  girls glaring, some jocks flirting, whistling and even winking. I don't like it at all. Some of you would like fame right? For me? It's a bad issue. "I'll get your snacks girls" Rapunzel offered."I'll come with you" I said standing up "Burger" Merida said handing us her money "sandwiches" Anna smiled and handed her purse. As we approached the line the students made way and Rapunzel passed, leaving me staring at the line. "Elsa? Are you coming?" Rapunzel asked as she raised her brow, I nodded and shyly passed through the line. Man, where is self confidence when you need it? I quickly told our orders feeling shy to the people who made way for us. Rapunzel and I took our trays and went to our table. Merida was playing with her phone while Anna was playing with Merida's curly hair, which I think Merida didn't notice. I placed my tray on the table making a soft thud and Anna quickly let go of Merida's hair and took her purse and sandwich. Merida eagerly bit her burger, still playing with her phone while I ate my salad."you eat too elegantly Elsa." Rapunzel laughed as I wiped my mouth using a tissue. I just looked at them and shrugged "sooo....what happened today?" Rapunzel aske starting a conversation. "Anna beated her record of breaking 5 pencils during math, this time she only broke 3" I giggled "No doubt why you have a huge supply of pencils eh?" Merida said as she kept her phone in her pocket and bit her burger. "I had a fun time during Literary class. Me and Anna wrote about each other." Rapunzel happily said as Anna beckoned her head in approval. I flinched as I remembered art class. "What about ye Elsa?"  Merida said and leaned her elbows on the table. "W-we pai-painted" I said trying to remove my thoughts off of that topic. Tears threatened to fall as every moment came crashing back to me. I could see and remember everything. But I calmed down when I saw his smile. Jack's smile, Weird feeling, I frowned as I was actually confused of what just happened. "are you alright?" Rapunzel asked as she tilted her head, trying to face mine. I immediately smiled and nodded "yes, I actually had fun painting!" I said and tried to remove the image of Jack's smile. Nope. You shall not have even the slightest crush on him Elsa! You shall not have a crush until you get your hands on those diploma papers! I scolded myself. The bell rang and cut our conversation "next class?" Anna asked "Math" Merida groaned and pouted. "English: Library" I answered and stood up "same." Rapunzel said standing beside me. "Robotics" Anna shrugged and we separated our directions and Rapunzel and I headed towards the library. "Hey, I thought you were already done with English?" I raised a brow at Rapunzel "oh, that was actually English: Literary arts. You have that one too" Rapunzel clarified as I checked my schedule. "It's actually my next subject after this." I said as I pulled the doors to the library and quietly entered and Rapunzel did the same. I sat between Rapunzel and A guy with hazel brown hair and had glasses and a long sleeved shirt. That's how I used to dress up until I didn't need my glasses anymore. I peeked at the book that he was reading, he was reading the fault in our stars by John Green. "Are there a lot of John Green books here?" I asked him, not even knowing his name. I can't help it, he was one of my favourite authors. Besides, the library was under renovation last year. "Yes, all of his books actually." He said as he fixed his glasses and finally faced me.  He narrowed his eyes as if he had seen someone really familiar. "You were the girl Jack was talking to earlier" he said as he recalled, I nodded "part of the big 4?" I asked him and he looked at me probably shocked that I don't know him, but he nodded "Hiccup Haddock Ⅲ" He said as he took out his hand for a shake "Elsa Arens" I smiled as I shook his hand. "The Uptown Girl?" He raised a brow, I nodded but frowned "just call me Elsa" I clarified. He nodded and went back to reading. The teacher walked in and finally started the class.

First day was already tiring but I had fun, classes went on as usual and I just can't wait to go home! I met up with Rapunzel, Merida and Anna who were talking next to my locker. I smiled and waved at them and they gladly returned it. "How was first day?" I said and placed all my things in my locker and took out my bag. "It was  a knock out" Anna giggled as she adjusted the straps of her bag. "I had fun at the field!" Merida eagerly answered, she really loves sports. "Arts was my most favorite!" Rapunzel's eyes gleamed as she clasped her hands together, making me remember Art class. Good thing I didn't feel that much pain anymore. "Well, I'm just glad that the library already opened" I smiled widely and closed my locker.

We bid our goodbyes and went to our separate directions, while me and Anna waited for mom's car at the school's entrance. A familiar vehicle parked in front of us and Anna and I smiled and quickly got in. "Did you have fun on your first day?" Mom smiled and looked at us while Anna and I smiled and nodded. "We met Rapunzel and Merida again" I said and rested my back on the seat. While Anna Adjusted her seat making it bend so that she could lay down. "Well I'm glad to hear that" Mom uttered with joy as she focused on the road. I could already see our house and the gates opened and I saw Lucy, I waved at her through the window and she smiled and bowed. The maids brought our stuff upstairs while Anna and I rested on the couch and I watched as Anna munched her chocolate and had it all over her mouth. Mom called us for diner and we sat at the dining table to be greeted by all sorts of food. I smiled and ate my food while Anna eagerly ate. Yup, Anna always eats a lot. And we are amazed that she doesn't get fat. But of course, sisters are sisters and I also eat a lot. We once had a chocolate feud involving me and Anna to eat about 30 boxes of chocolates. I smiled as I remembered that moment.

Anna and I wore our pajamas and Anna already removed her buns and jumped into her bed. While I sleepily entered my room and immediately fell asleep. Tomorrow is another day.  

I updated early!!! Yay!!!*does victory dance* we have a lot of things to do that's why I updated early! I'm not really sure if I can update tomorrow cause it's mother's day and we have a family outing and I hope you understand. anyway....


Sorry if there wasn't any Jelsa moment hereD: , besides it's only First day;)

4 chapters and it's only first day?!?

fun facts for you all, my little snowflakes!!!

Fun Fact: I first wrote this story in my notebook and decided to type it here on wattpad! I added a few more details tho;)

I guess that I'll just call you little snowflakes!!!  well bye little snowflakes!!!

-Angella ☆↖(^ω^)↗

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now