Jack's world, Jack's Life

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Chapter 17

Jack's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock that was making such a racquet. I groaned and propped myself up using my elbows and sat up straight while ruffling my hair. I wiped my eyes trying to remove the sleepiness, I yawned and finally stood up and reached for my snowflake themed towel and went to the bathroom.

I bumped my head against the bathroom door making me scowl and opened the door and finally entered. I took a quick shower and ruffled my white dyed hair till it was dry. I wore my striped T-shirt, my denim Jacket and jeans. I just let my hair be, I looked at myself in the mirror making me set myself in deep thought...

Where should I start?

I strode to my limo and saw the driver there, I wore shades and smirked as I glanced at the windows.

"The Arens' mansion" I ordered making the driver nod and started to drive. The drive didn't take long, considering that the road was empty. I stared at the houses we passed by, we stopped at a familiar white mansion making me smirk. We're here.

Elsa heard the limo's engine making her open the front gate and stepped out. I got oit of my car to meet her, I froze dead on my tracks as I saw her figure clearly.

She wore a white sun hat, a white dress that went up to her thigh and sleeves up to her elbows, she wore light blue heals, no accessories and no makeup. I stared at her in awe making her raise a brow.

"You look....." she said as she looked at me from head to toe.

"Hot and awesome? I know." I proudly said making her grimace

"I was gonna say that you looked complicated" she glared making me roll my eyes playfully at her.

"I'll take that as A compliment." I smirked and took an extra shades and handed to her making her cock an eyebrow.

"What's this for?" She asked as she took it from my grasp making me smirk

"it helps you look even more superior and sophisticated, trust me." I said making her raise a brow and was about to protest when I cut her off

"Uh, uh, uh! My world, my life, my rules." I chuckled making her pout and wear the shades making stare at her but I immediately snap out when the driver opened the limo making us enter.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I slyly smiled.

"You'll know when we get there." I smirked making her pout. She's so cute.


We stopped at a garden making her read the sign "Overland-Frost field"

"You own this?" She said amazed at the beautiful view of the garden and I nodded and got out of the limo and waited for her.

We walked to the tree shade as sat beside each other. I took my shades off making her do the same. I looked at her and smiled.

"When I was young, the boys and I would usually pick fruits here and eat them under this exact tree." I said motioning Elsa the bountiful harvests making her eyes glisten in delight at the sight.

I stood up and she followed me to the fruit harvests. I picked an apple making her gape and I raised a brow at her.

"You can just pick out anything you want?" She frowned and I nodded

"It's free" I reassured her but she didn't move one bit making me take a woven basket and grab some random fruits and gave it to her.

I motioned her to sit beside me making her plop herself beside me at the emerald green grass.

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now