Beautiful inside out

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Chapter 32

Jack's POV

I looked at Elsa who was feeling upset, she just skipped another class because of our argument.... and well, Anna's sudden issue. I hate it when she's sad, it makes me even sadder. I sighed as the bell rang, signaling our break time. Elsa immediately stood up and walked with the girls making me frown, I was actually planning to come after her but it'll only end up awkward. What is wrong with me? She's just a girl! Un...... who am I kidding, it's called love, awkward love. I crossed my arms as I strode to the field with the boys, people wouldn't even dare to stand in our way. I stared at the ground, deep in thought. Where would Elsa be at this moment? Is she thinking of me or am I the only one missing her? I nearly hit myself against tree trunk as I kept on walking making me scowl.

"What's wrong with you today, Jack? It isn't normal to see people almost hitting themselves against a tree." Kristoff raised a brow as he sat at the grass while Flynn popped open a soda.

"You don't care." I shook my head and Flynn contacted his brows.

"You two fought didn't you?" He cocked both of his brows. It was like he can read minds.

"Y-you can say that." I shrugged and they looked at me incredulously.

"You seriously don't know how to treat women" Hiccup stated out of nowhere making me raise a brow.

"You're late" I laughed and he nodded and sat beside me.

"And what do you know of treating women?" I defiantly asked and he just chuckled as he threw a slightly thick book at my chest making me grasp on it.

"What's this?" I raised a brow as I looked at the book, '101 love advices....... for dummies who couldn't express themselves'?!? Wha-What kind of title is that?! Okay....That's just plain offending. I looked at Hiccup as he nodded his head, encouraging me to read it.

"Did this help you get a girlfriend?" I asked and he shook his head.

"But it helped me realize my feelings towards someone" he raised his shoulders innocently and I looked at the cover page once more.

"Towards.... Merida?" Flynn said, his hands on the back of his head while leaning at the tree trunk with eues closed. Hiccup's eyes popped as he heard Merida's name.

"I-i don't know." He rubbed his nape and looked away. I sighed, fine, let's give it a try.

I lazily opened the book widely and stared at a sequence of numbers and letters.

"What? I can't read this!" I threw the book back at Hiccup and He cocked an eyebrow as he held the book.

"Ugh, do I have to read every single thing to you?" Hiccup groaned and I nodded innocently.

"Well, I'm not doing it" He threw the book back at me.

I rolled my eyes and stared at the book. why would I need this anyway?

"I'm not reading it." I declared and gave the book back to Hic as I stood Up.

"I'll be making my own advices" I defiantly said and Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Wait til you see, someday I'll have a book of my own entitled 'Jack Frost's 101 Love advices for dummies'! " I said proudly while extending my arms sidewards.

Kristoff Chuckled while Hiccup face palmed. What? At least give some support here! I crossed my arms and plopped myself beside the boys and opened a soda. I drank the whole soda and threw the can away with all my force.

"WHY DO I LOVE YOU?!?" I screamed and the boys just watched me. " much that it hurts" I murmured so that Only I can hear it. I stared at the ground and turned around to see Tanya.

"Jack, who's the girl you're talking about?" she looked at me with hope and I rolled my eyes

"You don't care" I said and continued to look at the grass.

"As your childhood friend, I always cared, why can't you do the same thing?" She pouted and widened her eyes. I groaned in annoyance and walked away, I need to get away and feel some fresh air for once.

Elsa's different from other girls. Some girls are just TOO clingy, just like Tanya. I can't even remember why we We're friends, I was young back then. But whatever it was, I'm guessing it was because of business and partnerships. And some girls are just too obsessed, can't even say a full straight sentence without swooning.  I continued to walk through the halls, with my hands in my pockets as my mind roamed around in deep thoughts. Where could Elsa be at a moment like this? I glanced around and smirked as I saw the library. Of course, the perfect place to die out of boredom. I pushed through the doors and saw Elsa trying to find the perfect book for Merida, she had a "Paper Towns" book at her left hand while the right was searching for more books. Merida just watched as Elsa looked for different kinds of books; sports, mostly Archery. She smiled as she saw a pop-up book about archery and handed it to Merida. Merida giggled as she played with the pop-up bow and Arrow and closed it while approaching the narrow varnished wooden table. Elsa dropped random books by different authors and jumped as she saw me. I smirked and sat in front of her while Merida was looking at her archery book. I rested my cheeks on both of my palms as I watched her reading.

"What are you r--" she cut me off

"Shh. I'm reading" she sighed and continued to read.

"But ju--"

"Shhhh" she placed her index finger at her mouth and resumed reading.

"Fine, then...." I smirked as I stood up and went at the shelves at her back. I immediately hugged her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder, reading along with her.

"...I'll read with you" I whispered to her ear and I could feel her cheeks warming up. I chuckled and now she's turning crimson red.

She's just plain beautiful, and anyone who couldn't see that...... is blind.



I'm very sorry for the short chapter though, I was reading The Fault In Our Stars and suddenly realized that I had to UD so I immediately typed this chapter! I hope you still like it though~

thank you all for your wonderful comments that are as beautiful as Jelsa!!!! thank you thank you soooooo much!!!!

soo.... let's chat!!!

yeah, they still don't have their first kiss yet but We're getting there xD

well............ I'll be adding more Mericcup, Kristanna, Eugenzel and Jelsa moments at the following chapters!!!!

hahah.... well, I guess I'll back to my reading once again, but please! do NOT hesitate to comments! I love all your comments:) and maybe even make friends! haha, well I must say Buh Byeeeee!!!!


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