Breakfast at the mansion

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Chapter 42

Jack's POV

"Fries, pancakes and chicken sir?"

"don't forget the nuggets" Flynn butted in.

We were at McDonald's at the moment, I was planning to buy them food instead of giving the girls my burnt cooking.

"Would that be all sir?" The staff asked.

"Ooh, add some coffee." Emma smiled, I looked at her straightly 

"And since when did you start drinking coffee?" I raised a brow at her.

"Uhhh... about 3 days ago?" Emma frowned.

"You're only 15" I protested.

"Correction: I'm 15 years, 9 months, 6 hours and... I didn't count the minutes Old but whatever, I think that I am old enough to drink coffee." Emma pouted.

"Since when was coffee a major problem?" Kristoff asked

"Not until now." I said with a hint of sarcasm then Faced Emma once again "fine." I surrendered and she smiled and took the coffee from the McDonald's staff.


"I want the pancakes!" Anna took the pancakes from Kristoff and placed some syrup.

Rapunzel ate nuggets with Flynn who didn't want to share it with anyone but Rapunzel. While Anna was almost finishing all the pancakes... with the help from Emma. Elsa and I were eating pancakes aswell, she placed chocolate syrup instead of maple. And... Merida and Hiccup were playing food wars to see who can place the most friea in their mouths... weird.

"Heeey, you didn't say that we had any chocolate syrup." Anna frowned and spoke even if there were pancakes in her mouth. 

"But you didn't ask" Elsa giggled and Anna pouted.

I was about to take a bite from my pancakes when I heard a bark near me. I turned my head to the left and saw Olaf with his tongue stuck out and was coming towards me, oh no.

"Don't worry Jack, just surrender your pancake to Olaf and everything will be just fine..." Anna laughed.

"Why me? Why not give your pancakes?" I frowned.

"How can I? They're all in my stomach!" Anna laughed even more.


"same here" she laughed and showed her empty plate

"Hiccup? Merida?" I turned to them and they showed their empty boxes of fries.

"Flynn? Rapunzel?" I just saw Flynn eat the last nugget making me face palm

"Elsa?" I asked her and she raised her hands innocently

"Don't look at me, my pancakes have chocolate, and those aren't good for dogs" she giggled.

I sighed. I was about to give my pancakes to Olaf but Anna stopped me

"woah, woah, woah..." Anna paused "just.... woah." she giggled before continuing. "don't tell me that you were serious about giving your pancake." she frowned

"you told me to do it." I protested.

"I was only kidding, Olaf was looking for his chew toy." Anna laughed and threw a squeaky bone at Olaf making him bark and runaway with his toy.

"He doesn't really eat pancakes." Elsa shrugged and I nodded and smiled at her.


We were at the living room watching well... spongebob as Anna had requested. It was already about 12noon here and Elsa is nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's just looking for something?

Elsa entered the room making me smile, she plopped down on the coach while Anna was opening up a chocolate bar.

"Last one." Anna whispered making Elsa gasp. Anna was about to bite the chocolate when Elsa stopped her.

"Elsa! Give it back!" She said but Elsa didn't notice her.

Anna cleared her throat.

"Elsa Queen Arens, First Born Of Elzabeth Queen Arens, I demand you to give me back my chocolate bar." Anna said sternly and Elsa finally looked at her direction and smirked. But before she could speak, I spoke up.

"You're middle name's Queen?" I said unsurely and Elsa nodded

"Yeah, yeah, on with the scene and... Action!" Anna said.

"Oh, I'm afraid I won't without having a bite, Anna GINGER Arens." Elsa laughed and was about to bite the chocolate when Kristoff butted in.

"Hold Up" he said.

"What now?!" Elsa and Anna said in unison making them both laugh.

"Your middle name is Ginger?!" Kristoff asked, surprised.

"It was supposed to be princess." Anna pouted.

"but then, Elsa suddenly pronounced ginger for the first time when she was two and mom was overjoyed amd decided to name me Ginger instead." Anna said then face palmed.

"Oh, ok..." Kristoff then smirk.

"I'll call you Ginger all the time!" Kristoff concluded and Anna frowned.

"Now, come along Ginger, the next episode is about to start" Kristoff Chuckled and Anna rolled her eyes.

"But... my chocolate." Anna looked at Elsa who just to a bite then returned it to Anna.

I then turned to face Elsa who was smiling at her sister.

"You want me to call you Queen too?" I smirked at her, she shook her head.

"Cmon, I know you want me to call you My Queen." I wiggled my eyebrows making her grimace.

"Stop being immature, it makes you less attractive." She arched her brows making me chuckle.

"Stop being angry all the time, it makes me fall for you even more."


I'm so so so so sorrrrreeeeeeeyyyyy:'(

it's been threeeeee looooong weeeeekkksss ever since I have Updated: ( I'm so sorry:'(

this is too lame and too SHORT for all the time you have waited.

sometimes, I wonder why people even read my book:/ it's just a boring ordinary book. nothing unsual. but thank you for reading it:)

sooo.... We're at 172k+ reads! last time  I checked, we were at 80k+ something thank you all soo much!


I wasn't able to UD because of two things.

1. It's almost exams and I am frustrated to keep my grades high enough for my parents

2. my brother/sister (not yet sure of the gender) is.... in a better place. it took me two weeks to move on and cry myself to sleep. but I have accepted.

Oh, can I have A favor?


1. do not swear or use inappropriate language in the comments, I don't like comments that are reported.

2. please... please.... and I mean please! do not endorse your stories here. it's very insulting and rude-.-

well, That's all...
I try to UD tom.


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