Be good to Her

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Chapter 36

Jack's POV

The boys along with their girls went to the mall-beacause Anna had insisted- but Elsa didn't come along. She explained that shopping wasn't really her thing and that no one else was in their house except for the maids and Olaf, so she said that she would just stay at home and play with Olaf. I offered to keep her company which, gladly she had accepted. We walked until her doorstep, she rang the doorbell and soon the large door opened and revealed Lucy who had a bright smile on her face.

"Where is Ma'am Anna?" Lucy asked as she searched around but didn't have a sign of Anna.

"She went to the mall with the girls" Elsa smiled and Lucy nodded then made us enter inside.

As expected, Olaf was already eagerly waiting at the entrance. His eyes twinkled at the sight of Elsa, he rested his paws on her knees so it was like he was standing. Elsa giggled and greeted Olaf, she carried him in her arms and sat on the couch. I just stood beside her and Olaf barked as he noticed me, he was just about to get ready to jump on me. I took a step back and raised my hands in defense. Elsa, HELP! Elsa laughed and hugged Olaf tighter to stop him from jumping on me. I seriously envy that dog right now, I really wanted Elsa to hug me like that. I finally plopped myself beside Elsa on the couch, I took the remote to open the TV, Spongebob was currently the show on. I sighed and closed the TV and glanced at Elsa. She was just blowing her bangs upwards again. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen, she looked at me confused making me shrug.

"I'm bored" I frowned

"I know" she replied, she took out a cookbook then smiled.

"Let's cook something, I'm hungry" she pouted and I chuckled

"Aren't you always hungry?" I pinched her cheeks and she rolled her eyes playfully.

Elsa went over to Lucy who was cooking. She tapped her shoulder and said that we would cook, Lucy said that it was fine but Elsa insisted. So we ended up cooking chicken.

"You cook." Elsa passed me the spatula and I grabbed it then looked at the stove. I carefully placed a chicken leg into the pan and the oil started to pop making me panic and hid behimd Elsa.

"what are you doing?" Elsa laughed as I glared at the stove. Elsa smelled the air around us then her eyes popped wide.

"your chicken's burning" she looked at me as I quickly ran to the stove and turned off the gas and sighed in relief. I frowned as I stared at the overcooked chicken, Elsa giggled and grabbed one then bit it. She smiled at me and continued to eat her chicken

"It's crispy" she chewed the chicken and I shook my head.

"It's burnt" I scowled

"It tastes good" she said reassuringly

"Your taste glands are broken then" I concluded making her frown.

"Hey..." she whined "just taste it!" She stuffed another chicken into my mouth and she laughed while I rolled my eyes and took a bite.

"You always like shoving things into my face." I said as I wiped some oil from my mouth.

"It's the only way to make you eat something" she shrugged. I chuckled as we headed to the kitchen, Elsa placed the chicken in a bowl and I readied the plates. We heard a doorbell and Elsa ran to the door and opened it to see Anna, the girls and the boys. I too approached the door to see Anna to have the plentiest shopping bags—8 to be exact. I looked at Rapunzel, she had two paperbags while Merida had—none. I looked at her curiously and her face had visible tear marks and her eyes were slightly red. I glanced at Hic who was looking away and had his hands on the pockets of his sweatshirt. What's wrong with them?

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now