Messed Up

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Chapter 49

Elsa's POV

Anna and I rushed to the gym together, since the masquerade ball was coming up tomorrow, we had a whole day of practicing for the dance.

Coach Yvonne was our choreographer, didn't think she would be one, honestly.

Before we had our practices, Coach Yvonne told us our schedule for the masquerade ball. It starts at 7:00pm, it's an eat all you can buffet so we were advised to eat dinner there. All were required to wear a mask and we would remove them when the emcees would announce us to do it. It may be a ball but our attendance was still strictly checked. Then, Coach Yvonne passed us our invitations so that we could finally get to our practices.

The dance was quite simple, just simple steps of the feet coordinated with hands. It was a bit tricky to practice the hand coordinations without partners that's why Coach Yvonne grouped us in pairs but why did I have to be so unlucky to be paired with Andrew? He had a smirk planted on his face as he approached me, I just gave him a disgusted look.

"I guess Jack isn't here" he whispered as the song started to play, he bowed at me while I curtsied while giving him a glare.

"You don't have the right to speak about him" I gritted my teeth, my glare still focused on him.

"Just admit it, Elsa, I can be a better man than him. I won't hurt you." He grinned at me.

"You're already hurting me when you speak of him like that." I huffed, why can't this douche just shut his mouth?

"Why are you even standing up for that idiot? he'll just hurt you." Now what he said just made me crack.

"Listen here, you flipping retard, you won't even dare call him an idiot ever again or I'll make you suck your tonsils and make you reflect on your sucky life while I hurt you." I exploded, I'm very sure that I can't do that —or can I?—to a guy as huge as him but I wanted him to know I was serious.

"Look, you know very well that you can't do something like that." He smirked. Oh so he thinks of me as a wimp now aye?

I punched his neck making him cough and choke. I cracked my knuckles as I stared at him.

"Maybe you would want to think about your words before you say them." I rolled my eyes at him. Coach Yvonne saw what I did, but instead of scolding me, she announced another individual practice. I smiled at her as a 'thank you' and she just nodded.

We had a few more rounds of individual practices before we called it a day. All the cheerleaders were called for a practice since the next day after the ball was another game between Special High and Ravenstream High. I sadly went to get my things as I remembered Jack and I's argument.

"Are you ready to go home?" I asked Anna who was drinking water from a bottle. She nodded, still drinking.

I drank some water before we went to the parking lot to fetch our cars.

"Are you sure you can drive alone already?" Anna asked, a hint of worry on her face.

"I'll be fine, Anna." I smiled at her and entered my car.

The supposed-to-be 15 minute drive stretched to 30 minutes, I guess I was caught on traffic. I pressed the horn of my car to signal that I was home. I could already see Anna's car as I parked mine, I went out of my car and smiled at the maids as I went in the house. I entered and saw Anna on the couch as always, eating chocolate.

She stared at me as I went upstairs.

"You're not eating dinner?" Anna asked, I just nodded at her and continued to go upstairs.

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now