Detention (Part 3)

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Chapter 8

Elsa's POV

It's already Chemistry, my last subject. Finally, I can go home! No.......Oh cmon! There's still detention

"Elsa? Ye alright?" Merida raised a brow and I nodded and smiled at her. I already told her about detention.

We grabbed our goggles and lab coats, and entered the laboratory. There were still vacant seats, Merida and I sat beside each other. The seats were arranged two stools each table. The teacher started sorting us and our partners, "okay class, your seatmates are your permanent lab partners and your seats are already permanent" the teacher explained and I sighed in relief, atleast Merida was my partner.

"Mrs. Anastasia?" A guy beside our table raised his hand and all eyes landed on him, wait.... that's Hiccup right?

"yes Mr. Haddock?" Mrs. Anastasia pointed her hand to Hiccup gesturing him to continue

"I believe that it would be better if we are partnered to someone we aren't familiar with, you know, to gain more friends" Hiccup smiled and Mrs. Anastasia nodded and thought about it.

"You have a point there mr. Haddock" Mrs. Anastasia smiled and glanced at me and Merida. Oh no, will she make us switch partners?

"Ms. von Broch and Mr. Frost, please switch tables" Mrs. Anastasia smiled making me mentally face palm myself. Great... now I'm stuck with him.

"What? Wh-why me? Why her?!" Jack protested and pointed at me making me frown but nod in agreement.

"Mr. Frost, why? Do we have a problem?" Mrs. Anastasia asked but Jack didn't answer.

"You and Mr. Haddock are partners at almost all of your classes, so I think it's fair enough for you to be partnered with Ms. Arens" She finished and Jack sighed and stood up and sat down next to me. First, detention now, this?

"Why? Why me!?" He stood up and I nudged him to sit down. I glared at him and he returned it.

I glanced at Merida and Hiccup. They seem to get to know each other, while me? I'm stuck in an awkward situation with this.....thing!

Rules and Regulations were written on the board and I stared at it, carefully analyzing it. 'Once you destroy something, you must replace it' was the one that caught my attention. My mom was the one who donated the materials here at the lab.

"Shake hands with your partners and let's start this partnership!" Mrs. Anastasia clasped her hand and held it near her chest.

I looked at Jack and faced him, he did the same. This isn't partnership! this is rivalry!

"Jack Frost." He said blankly and held out his hand

"I know" I rolled my eyes. "Elsa Arens" I mumbled and shook his cold hands

"Heard of it" he glared at me and I gladly returned it.

The bell rang and I let out a sigh of relief but immediately stopped when I realized about detention making me groan.

"See ya at detention!" Jack laughed and patted my head and I glared at him. Gawd is he rude! This is one weird school year. I frowned and headed to the detention office.


I pushed through the doors and jumped when I saw 4 boys. "I-im sorry, why are there 4 of you?" I raised a brow and they chuckled.

"The Uptown Girl Finally showed up!" Jack laughed and I glared at him.

"Don't you call me that" I taunted him and pointed him a wooden ruler. How I hate it when people call me that. I feel like a different person in a different world and can't simply blend in.

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now