Break Me Down

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A/N: look who's back!

No, not Jensen Ackles

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No, not Jensen Ackles...

Okay okay, here's the chap.

Chapter 64

Elsa's POV

It makes me wonder when waking up had become such a task. I'm the farthest thing from being a morning person, but even then it wasn't this hard to get up in the morning.

Maybe because I lost my purpose.

Finally doing it - finally telling Jack - didn't lift the heavy weight off of my shoulders. Probably because it didn't turn out so well. I don't know if letting him go was the right thing to do. But even if  it was, the right thing to do, then why doesn't it feel right? Maybe doing the right thing didn't always feel right. But then again,

I don't know anything anymore 

My mind has been in this state wherein the line between reality and fantasy got too thin that it all eventually just collided, and now I'm having a hard time deciding what is real, what is right, what is wrong. My priorities, everything that mattered, I'm not sure are still the same.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe I wasn't. It wouldn't really matter, he's gone. And I'm just exhausted of it all.

But as they say, no rest for the weary.

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, I squinted my eyes and checked who the caller was, immediately propping myself up from the bed as soon as I saw.

It was Emma.

"Emma?" My voice was raspy and I had to cough before continuing, "you called, why?"

"Elsa?" I struggled to hear Emma's voice over the background noise that  was easily overpowering her voice, "I kinda need you here, I'm sorry but I really do."

I stood up from my bed and began pacing around the room, "Where are you?"

"I'm at the  police station, and things are not looking good."

I frowned at that, "Emma, why are you at the police station?"

There was a loud noise that interrupted her before she replied, "It's Jack."

"Jack? What's he doing there?"

Emma sighed, "The suspects they - they were caught just this morning and as soon as Jack knew about it, he... he lost it."

I went silent after that. I could feel my heart beating faster and gulped. What was I supposed to say? 


I shook my head, "uh yeah... still here."

Emma sighed, "Elsa I really need you here."

"I'm not exactly Jack's favorite person to see at the moment, won't I just rile him up even further?"

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