Elsa's World, Elsa's Life

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Chapter 18

Elsa's POV

Anna was jumping on my bed making me groan. She pulled my blanket while I fought back, desperately wanting more sleep.

"Elsaaaa....." Anna paused and I can feel her smile.

"JACK'S HERE!!!" She squealed making me sit up and hop out of my bed.

"Already?!" I panicked making Anna giggle and shook her head.

"No silly, now go get ready with your date!" She jumped making me roll my eyes playfully at her.

"It's not a date, Anna." I glared at her and she just rolled her eyes, obviously she's not convinced.

"No Kidding" a voice said from the door making me and Anna search for the voice's owner. It was Jack.

"What are you doing here so early?" I raised a brow and yawned making Jack chuckle

"I was bored. So.... I went here and Lucy told me to wait inside and finally made my way here." He explained and I nodded and gestured him and Anna to leave the room

"I'll go get ready" I said as I closed the door,leaving them outside.

I yawned and took my snowflake designed towel and walked my way to the bathroom. I took a shower and wore a light blue loose snowflake T-shirt and jeans, I wore sandals and braided my hair into a french braid, allowing it to rest on my left shoulder. I got out of my room and headed downstairs.

Jack was eating bacon making me pout and took a piece and munched it making Jack chuckle.

"You're so cute when you do that." He said and pinched my cheeks making me blush and he recoiled and resumed eating.

Anna was Just watching me and Jack eat and would squeal at times when we exchange glances. She says that she's a fangirl.

I wiped my mouth using a tissue and gestured Jack to go outside. He strode to the door and pushed through while I followed him, I wore a hat and tiptoed, allowing myself to place the hat on Jack's head. He raised a brow as I crossed my hands as I looked from head to toe.

"What's this for?" He asked while touching the hat.

"My life, my rules. It actually suits you" I giggled and he smirked

"If you say so." He shrugged and looked around.

"Where's our ride?" He raised a brow making me roll my eyes.

"We're walking our way there." I answered making him scowl

"What?!" He glared at me.

"Don't be too lazy, it's not far from here" I crossed my arms making him frown

"Hey, I am a hardworking man!" He defiantly said almost making me choke

"Excuse me, you? A hardworking man?" I laughed making him glare at me.

"I am!" He proudly said making me roll my eyes and started walking away without waiting for him.

He looked at me and raised a brow and followed me.

"Where are we going?" He asked impatiently

"You'll know when we get there" I said making him chuckle

"Returning the favor, I see" He stated making me nod.


It's been 15 minutes and we We're almost on our way to the green fields. Jack walked impatiently and whined like a child making me frown.

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