Jack's Confession

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Chapter 19

Jack's POV

I'm falling for her.

What? I ruffled my hair feeling insecure of what was happening. But.... what am I even saying? This is all messed up.

I groaned and covered my face with pillows trying to sleep and erase my thoughts, I've tried and tried but I always feel uncomfortable, like some weight gained on my shoulders. I sat up and sighed while rubbing my nape, and the weirdest part is that I am sweating, seriously. I pressed the pillow on my mouth, trying to suppress a scream, hopefully no one heard it.

I stood up and wore my blue jacket and brown leather pants, I need some air. I went downstairs cautiosly, trying not be heard by anyone.

"Where are you off to?" I heard a voice making me look at the couch where Emma was sitting. She raised a brow as she removed her earphones that were connected to her iPod.

"Just taking a quick drive, I need some air." I excused making her smile and nod her head

"Just be quick" she reminded making me chuckle

"Yes mom" I laughed making her roll her eyes playfully at me.

I went to the garage and springed my car to life. I sighed and drove off to my destination, The Arens' mansion.

I focused my eyes on the road, what am I even doing? what am I even gonna say? I sighed, Just go with the flow.

It didn't take much time and I was already in front of the mansion. I gulped and was about to knock when I immediately froze. Go on Jack! It's just a knock! I gulped once more, I haven't been this nervous my whole life, and what sucks is that I don't even know the reason why I'm like this.

I knocked about three times making someone open the large wooden door, It was Anna. She had a mug on her right hand, it was probably coffee.

"Jack? What are you doing here so late?" She raised a brow making me gulp

"I-is Elsa sleeping?" I asked making Anna nod.

"But you can just knock, she'll eventually answer it" she smiled and gestured me to enter, their mother was luckily at her office.

"Just knock" Anna said as she pointed at Elsa's door making me approach it. Anna went downstairs making me take a deep sigh and look at the door, here goes nothing.

"Elsa?" I said while knocking, she didn't answer. "Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa? Elsa?" I knocked while saying her name consecutively - Just like what Emma did- after what seemed like 10 minutes she finally stood up and opened the door, her eyes full of exhaust.

"What is it?" She yawned while covering her mouth with her thin hands

"I-i" I stammered, I got nervous on how she'll react, on what I'll say.

"Iloveyou" I said quickly and it was like a weight got off of my shoulders making me sigh.

"Yeah, sure. That's nice" she yawned as she rested her head on the door frame and closed her eyes making me chuckle. She doesn't know anything that I'm saying cause she's too sleepy.

I smiled and repeated the words with a whisper. "I love you" I whispered and then kissed her forehead and walked away.

I can feel her eye's widen "j-jack?" She asked make turn around and hum in response.

"W-what did you say?" She  asked making me smile at the ground.

"Nothing, get some rest." I smiled making her yawn and softly closed the door.

I went downstairs and saw Anna drinking her coffee. She stopped and looked at me and gestured me to sit down.

"Have some coffee or tea." Anna offered making me shake my head.

"No need, I'll be off now" I said and she nodded signaling that I can go making me walk to the huge wooden door.

I softly closed the door and made my way slowly out of the gate, before I could enter my car, I jumped and pumped my fist "Yes!" I whisper-yelled and danced like a maniac. When I finally got myself together, I breathed deeply, trying to hide my hyper side and entered my car. I was smiling like an idiot the whole drive, what has gotten into me? I'm starting to get crazy! I focused on the road and safely drove in the garage and quietly locked it and made my way to enter the house.

-The Next Day-

I groaned and ruffled my hair making it messier. I yawned and reached for my towel and entered the bathroom to take a morning shower. I wore a beige colored polo and dark brown leather pants, I rubbed my hair against the towel till it was dry. I went downstairs and saw Emma, Father and Mother at the dining room.

"Where did you go last night?" Emma whispered. Making me chuckle lowly

"We may never know" I replied making her pout and ate her food.


Emma and I walked our way to my car, the car's engine turned on and we drove away. Emma had a lot of suitors at her school and it bothered me, of course I admit that I may sometimes be over protective. But Emma doesn't want to be courted anyways, I mean, she's only 15 right? I waved to her as she waved back and giddily skipped her way to school making me sigh and drove to Special High.

Luckily at  this time of the morning, the roads were alwats clear. So in that case, with no traffic, I got there in a matter of minutes. I parked my car at my usual spot and walked to the entrance of the school, and to my luck, the boys were already there. I looked at the girls beside them and saw Elsa who was laughing along with the girls making me smile. Her eyes met my gaze making her quickly avoid it and I chuckle and approach her.

"Morning" I greeted making her smile

"Morning" She replied energetically.

"I have one question" she paused making me cock an eyebrow.

"Why were you at our house last night? And why were you dancing in front of our gate?" She asked making me turn slightly red. She saw that?

"uh...I um.." I stuttered for words and sighed

"I needed some air so I drove off and found myself in front of your house and I don't know why but then I started to dance like I maniac." I excused.making her raise a brow. I mentally face palmed myself. Worst excuse ever. She giggled making me sigh in relief.

"Really? You came all that way just to dance in front of our house?" She clarified making me shrug amd chuckle.

"You got that right" I laughed and patted her head making it slightly messier. She rolled her eyes and I walked away. I glanced one more time at her and smiled.

That's her..... the girl I've fallen for

Chapter 19 woohoo! *claps like a five yr. old* oohhhhhkay....


Jack's confession o.o oh glob.

Elsa didn't even notice what Jack was saying cause she's sleepy xD

awww.... Go get er Jack!

will Elsa fall for him too?

yep:/ 2nd week of school!

JELSA MOMENT!!!!*squeals*

anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one^-^ I loved typing this chapter and it's actually 6:55am here and I have tennis so I'll make this quick.

Thanks sooooooo much for the 3.1k+ reads and 230 votes and 150+ comments! wow! 3.1k reads already?!? omigosh, wuv you all!!!!

sorry if I didn't update yesterday D: ugh, headache ):

well, I hope You're enjoying this so far.



At the next chapter,Tanya causes more trouble?!? o.o stay tuned.

welp, thats all for now.... Bye Snowies!!!!


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