A coincidence?

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Chapter 29

Elsa's POV

Jack smirked and walked away while I just stood there, dumbfounded. H-he just kissed m-my forehead? I think it was just a friendly gesture. I held my hand near my chest, what was this thing I was feeling? my heart was pumping at it's loudest, it was like I ran from a long distance. I only remember myself walking fast to catch up with Jack, but that wasn't enough for my heart to beat this fast. Was it because of Jack? I just shrugged it off and went back inside the cemetery.

I searched for my Father's grave and sat down on the black wooden bench just right in front of it. I pursed my lips and looked at the flowers on a vase near his grave, they were still fresh. I brushed the dust off his grave stone, 'Arthur Mark Arens' was my father's name. I looked at his stone and sighed.

"Dad?" I whispered while rubbing his stone. "Why am I like this? wh-why do I feel like this?" I placed my left hand on my chest, near the heart and frowned.

I usually talked to my father here, I even dream of talking to him, That's why I sleep talk.

"It feels weird, I feel nervous, heat rises up to my body a-and I just..... I just want to explode!" I let out a deep sigh and massaged my temple.

"...whenever he's around" I finished and turned crimson red as I released those words in front of my father.

I bit my lip and stood up, I dusted my skirt and fixed my coat. I actually felt a lot better after letting it all out at my father. I setted my eyes downcast as I walked on the sidewalk, lamp posts were already lit up and I'm guessing that it's already supper time. Gladly, the cemetery was actually near our house, I'm hoping That Anna was already home.

I rang the doorbell and Anna opened the door with worry in her eyes.

"Elsa! Where have you been?" She quickly interrogated me as I entered.

"I visited father, with.... Jack" I shrugged and Anna jumped up and down.

"What happened? Did you hug? Did you kiss?" She asked then she suddenly gasped and shaked my shoulders with full excitement

"Did he propose?!?" She yelped and I grimaced.

"He would never" I gave her a disgusted look and she just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah he would!" She protested

"Enough of that, what happened when you were with Krisroff?" I tilted my head and hoped that Anna will forget about the topic.

"Oh, about that, Kristoff is really an expert when it comes to rock climbing!" Anna pouted. "I couldn't even get halfway through!" She frowned making me giggle and pat her head.

"Aww, it's alright. You'll reach the very top someday!" I tried to encourage her and she smiled at me.

"I will!" She saluted and marched to her bedroom.

"I'll see you at the morning sis!" She yelled before closing the door as I yawned and lazily walked to my room.

I fell face first on my bed and cuddled up in my pillows, today was exhausting!


Someone was licking my face and I giggled as it tickled me. I opened my eyes to see The happy Dalmatian, waggling it's tail and looked at me with it's innocent eyes

"Morning Olaf" I laughed as I patted his head, he barked and jumped as I stood up and reached for my towel.

"Stay there" I smiled at Olaf as he layed down, still waggling his tail.

The Uptown Girl (Jelsa Fanfic) [Under Intense EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now