I've Got Some Explaining To Do

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you don't have to necessarily read this, I just wanted to type this out, but if you do read this, be sure to think about it cause this is like 800+ words i'm not even joking

So I promised you guys an explanation as to what the hell happened to cause me not to update for like a month--or two, more so. I'll explain everything but first, I'd like to tell you all that I am seriously loving the comment section these days xD I see fans of bvb (who the heck doesn't love andy biersack amirite), sleeping with sirens and most especially my chemical romance (you're my fave people :3 kidding, you're all my fave people)! so yeah i get to fangirl with you potatoes and it is the greatest thing ever!(hey, let the girl fangirl xD)

okay, so

No, laziness is not the reason (for once) why I didn't update, rather, one of the reasons was the lately issue I've been handling about other people copying my works and I am not at all amused or flattered of that fact, not happy at all. so that's one, another was that, let's face it, I'm very insecure about my writing, and well, that affects my writing and I wouldn't want to let you guys read crap though I'm pretty sure more than 50% of this book is crappy. And I guess it was just the realization that hit me-- people can copy my works and make them look so similar because maybe I wasn't trying hard enough y'know? maybe if I added more passion to my  writing then maybe others can copy the plot, but not the emotion of my story. I'm very passionate about my writing, in fact I've been experimenting on  writing about  different stuff so lately I've  discovered that I'm more comfortable in writing from third person's view. after realizing this, I  logged out of this account for like 2 months (except for that one time I gave a message about updating soon) and used a completely different account, one of which you  guys don't know of. it felt weird at first, since I didn't know anyone there and it's from a totally different fandom (it's non-disney) and so I settled into becoming a reader for those 2 months. and during that time, I was just blowing up ALL the comments section of each book that  I was reading and actually met new people and all of them were cool (not as cool as my friends on here though lmao of course) but  it  felt nice being able to talk and meet new people and having a fandom reference contest with them. 70 followers later and after reading approximately 52-55 books, I came to realize how much I missed writing. and really, ideas were popping out of my head at times like 3 am or so, and it  wasn't pleasant at all, I had to write down key words about the idea before i actually was able to sleep again. so before the second month ended, i began writing a story about that fandom I  was currently on (haven't posted it yet haha!)  and began writing in 3rd person's view and I felt great, refreshed and inspired. heck, I I read the dictionary everyday now and somehow I got fond of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, I even started studying french, but it was all good, cause I became inspired to write again. so somehow I  stumbled upon the draft for TUG Chapter 63 and was like "oh crap, I've got to finish this." so let's just say after rewriting that chapter for 3 times, (I have 3 versions  of chapter 63 ohmygod they're on my phone) I was somehow satisfied with it and posted it and honestly, I expected for it to be 3 days before I get one feedback but after 5 minutes, I think I already found myself talking to people at the  comments section and I couldn't be  happier, so thank you, for not giving up on this book, for not giving up on me :) though I screw up most of the time xD so there you have it, reason why I was gone for so long, I do hope you're all not that mad anymore for me leaving you with  a cliffhanger after being gone for 2-3 months, so to reward you for your time on reading this, I am pleased to inform you that yes, The Uptown Girl will have a good ending, yes, there will be a sequel, yes, I am currently working on chapter 64, yes, i am currently preparing the special chapter that none of you would have probably expected yeaaah Imma surprise you all :3 and finally, there will only be  5 chapters left (shockingly) and i might even add an epilogue but  I'm not sure about that part yet so hang in there!

I love you all and you're all my favorite people and not to mention my golden potatoes <3

- ANGELLA c: <3

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