He's sweet

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Chapter 26

Elsa's POV

I looked at Merida as she blushed making us girls squeal. Merida continued to bite her crimson red apple making a loud 'crunch' sound as she did so.

"When's the date?" Rapunzel asked when she stopped squealing and Merida grimaced

"It is not a date" Merida answered with her thick Scottish accent.

"Fine, when's the hangout?" Anna shrugged

"Later" Merida said blankly

"LATER?" We emphasized and she nodded

"Ooh, I'll put your makeup" Rapunzel clapped her hands with excitement forming in her eyes

"I'll find you the perfect dress" Anna volunteered

"I don't wear dresses" Merida frowned and crossed her arms making Rapunzel's jaw drop

"Don't tell me that you'll wear rubber shoes and basketball shorts and t-shirt?!?" She raised her brows at Merida.

Merida shrugged and we looked at her incredulously, yup. She was planning to do that. Anna face palmed and drawed it down her face. Rapunzel and I shook our heads disapprovingly

"Come on Mer. Just this one time" Anna pleaded.

"It's just a park" Merida Arched her brows.

"Well, I'll take you shopping then!" Rapunzel protested then dawned to realization that they didn't have much time.

"Fine, I'll drop by your house later and fix you up" Rapunzel sighed and Merida hesitantly nodded her head. I giggled, this was the first time Merida was 'hanging out' with a guy that could actually be her first love, Who knows? My phone beeped and I took it out to see an unknown number. I dreaded and slowly pressed the answer button and placed my phone near my right ear.

"H-hello?" I cleared my throat and tried to look around the crowded room.

"Hey, miss me?" The voice said and I landed my eyes on Jack who was holding his phone and looking at me.

"Uh, no." I laughed and he scowled, he just remained silent making me end the call. He glared at me and I jumped as his glare stares right through your soul.

He stood up and approached me and smiled. I smiled back and the bell rang as I immediately walked away trying to escape him. He held my arm before I could leave, I scowled and looked at him. I'll be late for my next class!

"I'll be late" I said and continued to walk away.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He glared and I paused to look at him.

"I'm not, and seriously, I'll be late" I helplessly excused and continued to walk, he walked alongside me making me look at him weirdly.

"Then I'm coming with you." He concluded and strode to the halls towards the library and I sighed

"How many times will I tell you that We're not at the same class during library?" I crossed my arms and he just ignored my question. Great, now I'm being ignored.

"Tanya's waiting for you" I tapped my toes on the floor impatiently and a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

"You're jealous aren't you?" He chuckled and looked at me.

I grimaced and shook my head. Why would I be? I-I mean, We're just friends! His smirked faded and turned into a frown and I opened the door to the library.

"ELSA!" He called and I startled and looked at him, he just winked and walked away.

I can feel my cheeks getting warmer and I rubbed them with my palms, everyone was looking at me and whispered. I sat down uncomfortably next to Rapunzel who was trying to untangle some strands of her hair. She smiled as she finally had her hair done, I helped her braid her hair before the teacher came in. She giggled as she pushed her braid to her back making me smile.

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