Detention (Part 1)

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Chapter 6

Jack's POV

I exited the cafeteria, not that I have an important place to go but, I just can't stand being teased. Usually I am the one teasing. I don't know where to go, I passed by my locker and decided to stay there, I just played with the combination, opening and closing my locker simultaneously, gosh it's boring. I glanced at Elsa who was opening her locker with the strawberry blonde haired girl. Finally! someone I can tease.

I walked to her direction and smirked "so, the bookworm decided to show up." I teased and she looked at me

"You again? What do you want?" She said as she crossed her arms and looked at me

"Elsa? Who's this?" The stawberry girl said as she looked at me from head to toe.

"Anna, meet Indiana Jones" Elsa laughed, wait, so her name is Anna? Good, atleast I won't call her strawberry girl anymore.

Wait.....what did she just call me? I looked at Anna who was laughing so hard and Elsa also giggled making me look at them weirdly.

"Nice name of choice!" Anna laughed as she took her hand out for a shake

"I'm Anna, Elsa's crazy younger sister!" Anna laughed, yep....she can be crazy

"It's Jack, Jack Frost" I shook her hand and glared at Elsa and she just laughed and rolled her eyes

"Come on Anna, let's not waste time" Elsa said as she grabbed her things and went away with Anna

"NICE TO MEET YOU FUTURE-BRO!" Anna yelled and Elsa smacked her arm and she turned red. They continued walking away and I chuckled

Me? Future brother? No way! I am not with Elsa, I won't fall for......her. I shook my head with a smirk and went to homeroom, I'm sure I'll see Elsa there. Wait, stop thinking of Elsa! You have more important things to think of! I scolded myself and continued to go to homeroom.


I entered the room and received stares making me glare at them and they looked away. I lazily threw my bag on the floor and sat beside Hiccup. I looked around to look for Elsa, she was sitting at her usual spot, near the windows. I pouted and looked at how far she is from me. Too far.

"missing your girl?" Hiccup chuckled and fixed his glasses while I glared at him

"She is not 'MY GIRL' " I said as I rolled my eyes. And he just shook his head, not believing me.

"Then, why stare at her?" He smirked and I turned red, thinking of an answer.

"I-I wasn't, I was s-staring at the window, yeah! I was staring at the window!" I proudly said but I can feel my cheek get warmer.

"You're blushing, Frost." Hiccup concluded and I just rolled my eyes.

"And....stammering" he added and I just glared at him

"So, what?" I gritted my teeth and he let out a chuckle

"You're in --" he started but I cut him off.

"what are you thinking?!?" I grimaced as he continued to laugh.

"You didn't let me finish" he smirked deviously. "You're in...Dreamland!" He finished while I turned red for actually thinking he'll say the L word

"Why? Expecting something else, Frost?" He asked wiggling his brows.

"MISTER HADDOCK! MISTER FROST!" The teacher angrily called making me look at Hiccup. Yep, we're used to this.

"DETENTION AT THE OFFICE LATER!" the teacher said.

Second day of school and detention already? Well that'll be fun. I sarcastically thought and rolled my eyes while resting my chin on my knuckle.

Great. Just great.

eyo!*waves hand at you crazily* sorry if I didn't update yesterday D: *hides in the corner of shame* wait..... *comes back to finish the A/N* well, I have good news!!!"


Yay! sorry if this chapter was very shortD: but the next chapter is actually the continuation of this chapter! I the author, from earth, promise to make the next chappie long for the sake of the readers, so help me God. Okay? I promised! soo.......

Jack, deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deeep deeeeeep down inside, love's Elsa! but claims not to<3

double update day<3


I'll make this A/N short. gotta eat. I ish hungry;-;

buh bye!!!!!.


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