Call <Part 2>/ Surprise

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Chapter 44

Elsa's POV


It's been minutes since Jack called, and I still don't know if I should call him back. Should I? Wait, this is stupid, nope I shouldn't. Then again, I don't know why I feel that it is important for Jack to know that I do too. I should.

I propped myself up again and stood up from my bed. and reached for my phone, almost dropping it in the process. I sat down at the left edge of my bed. I think...

'Ugh, stop thinking so much, Elsa. For once, let your heart decide and do all the talking.' A voice inside my head told me.

I gulped and clicked his number on my phone. No, I won't text him, that'll give him evidence. I'll just call him instead.

My phone rang and my heart started to beat faster at every ring of my phone, finally, he picked it up and said in his usual voice: "hello"

I didn't know what to say. "Uhm.... uh... I guess I woke you up so I'll just end this." I quickly said. But before I could end the call, he responded.

"Wait, no, you didn't. It's just... I couldn't sleep." He chuckled

"Yeah, me too." I said and immediately covered my mouth, don't get suspicious!

"You are?" He asked.

"Mhm..." was all I could say.

"So, why'd you call?" He asked.

"Uh.. well... umm..." I stammered for words... am I sweating?

"You love me too?" He asked hopefully.

"Ahah, stop it you idiot." I tried to laugh then turned serious again.

"Uh... actually, yeah. I love you too." I immediately ended the call and fell face first on the bed, my head rested on the pillow.

After a few seconds, I heard my phone ring, and for the lords knows I am stupid, I answered it before even checking who it was.

"Elsa..." the voice said. My eyes widened then checked the number... gawd it's Jack. This is the only time that I literally want the floor to swallow me whole.

"Don't you even try rubbing in what I just said earlier Mister, or for heaven knows what I'll do to you." I continued to rant of...

"Elsa..." he just said.

"What?!" I panicked.

"Well... uh.. yeah... I love you three." Then before he could end our conversation, I called his attention.

"So you're expecting me to tell you I love you four?" I said sarcastically.

"You just did." I can feel him smirk, that idiot.

"Stop the sarcasm." I surrendered and he chuckled.

"but you started it." He whined making me giggle.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Well it's still dark but it's morning so... Good Mornight?" I said and he laughed.

"Good mornight then." He said.

"I love you five, Elsa." Then he ended the call.

That idiot, too much sarcasm, but a smile crept up my lips as I rested on my bed and finally fell asleep, the smile not fading.


"E to the L to the S to the A, wake up or I'll leave ya forevah! Wake uuuup... ELSA!" Anna cheered as she jumped on my bed making me groan and slowly open my eyes.

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