A Little Piece of Heaven

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How could I have been so stupid? Please god, tell me why am I doing this to myself over and over again? Am I some kind of masochist that enjoys the heartache and gets desperate without it? Seems fucking like it!

I was running down the dark street crying my eyes out. The pouring rain mixed with my tears destroyed my make-up and outfit I had spent hours on to fix it to perfection.

It was supposed to be a wonderful evening. He said he wanted to tell me something really important. I was excited and couldn’t wait for this date with him. And now I was running from him in the freezing rain in the middle of the night. My sobs were making it hard to breath. I was in pain; not only emotionally but in actual physical pain. The part of my chest where my heart was supposed to be hurt like it never had before. I broke down on a bench and hugged my knees to my aching chest. But it didn’t help me from falling apart.

I felt a sad and desperate smile creeping up my lips. If you had seen me you would have thought me insane. But this whole situation was just so ridiculously cheesy, like in those romantic movies you would watch with your girls with a pile of chocolate in front of you. But this wasn’t a movie. My prince charming wouldn’t come chasing after me to pull me into a tight hug telling me everything will be fine and he would never let me go again. This was the cold and painful reality where I was falling for a rock star against all common sense.

>> Hey guys! I know I know ... I should focus on my other story first before jumping right into a new one. But I couldn't help it. I have this amazing ideas in my head and I just had to write it down. This is my first A7x-story. Please don't hate me if I get things wrong ... I'll try my best to picture everyone as realistic as possible ... I'm doing my research here :D
Please let me know what you think and spread the word amongst the A7x-family here on Wattpad.
Thanks and bear-hugs and kisses and all that shit :3 <<

A Little Piece of Heaven - {Synyster Gates - Book 1} -Where stories live. Discover now