Chapter 23

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Katie’s POV

I woke up later that night because I got cold. After failing in feeling for the sheets I opened my eyes a little bit and found myself alone in the huge bed. Brian was gone and the sheets were lying on the floor. I rolled to his side of the bed and moaned in delight when his scent hit my nose. God, after having the most amazing sex with him his scent was even more intoxicating than before.

At first I was a little taken aback by his wish to sleep with me. I mean I had just told him a very traumatic experience and he had nothing better to do than think of getting into my pants. But the longer he had kissed me and caressed the skin of my back I felt myself wanting it too. The fear of repelling him was gone and the wish to be with him completely was all that was left. We have been dating for almost a month now and after talking about Lenny and letting it go for good I felt like it was time to take the next step. And it was definitely was the right thing to do.

He had treated me like a queen. Brian was so careful and sensitive, caressing my skin with his broad hands and sweet lips. Where he touched me a tingling feeling erupted and spread through my whole body. Those butterflies had formed themselves into a warm and pulsing ball of fire that wandered from my stomach to my chest and then down to my core only to explode and setting feelings free I have never dreamed of feeling for anyone. Brian gave me the best orgasm of a lifetime and I couldn’t get it out of my head. And not just that. These feelings I had for him felt so good and I started to realize that it was something more than just plain attraction. This realization was absolutely overwhelming. But I liked it, no, I loved it.

Suddenly a crashing sound came from downstairs startling me. What was happening? Curious of what was going on I pulled on my panties and his shirt and tiptoed downstairs. The crashing got louder as I reached the hallway and I saw Pinkly scared out of her wits trembling under a coffee table.

“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” I whispered and tried to comfort her but she backed away into the corner even more. Unintelligible noises came from the living room and another shattering sound made Pinkly flinch and whimper in fear. Frowning I came around the corner only to froze in shock. I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn’t shriek in surprise. In the living room stood one bare ass naked Brian babbling about something and throwing pictures of him and his friends to the ground. He was sleepwalking again. Dammit, how did he get downstairs in the first place? And how am I supposed to get him back up there?

Carefully I approached him. He had another picture of him and his best friend in hand and was about to smash it into the wall but I was able to stop him. As I touched his hands his body froze for a moment or two before he relaxed noticeably. Slowly and very carefully I took the picture out of his hand and placed it back on its spot. I let my hands softly run up his arms to his cheek which let him to say something in a weird language. He wrapped his arms around me and held me against his chest that I kissed lightly. Yes, it was weird but he was probably dreaming of his dead friend, which really got him upset and I just had to try to calm him down in order to lead him back to bed. 

I let my hands wander his arms and chest whispering sweet things to him. It seemed to work. He was relaxed and calm and I slightly pulled on his arms to direct him towards the hallway with the staircase. But out of a sudden he crashed his lips into mine, his hands gripping onto my body tightly. It was so scary and freaked me out to no end to say the least but I could push against his chest as much as I wanted to. He wouldn’t budge. Instead Brian’s hands came to my thighs and picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist. I could feel his huge erection between my legs and with my eyes wide open I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. In response he growled and slammed me against the wall knocking all air out of my lungs. His fingers dug into my thighs making me whimper in pain but that seemed to just encourage him.

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