Chapter 5

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Zacky’s POV

Finally back home! This trip to New York City was so incredibly boring without the guys. And then those crazy stalking chicks followed me through the airport. No offence, I absolutely loved our fans but some of them were just fucking insane. I had to thank these bitches though. Without them I wouldn’t have met Katie and she was such a beautiful and amazing person as far as I got to know thus far. I would have to make sure to call her and get her to one of our shows. She didn’t seem too convinced about me playing guitar in a rock band. I had a reputation to maintain.

I was so deep in thought about Katie’s possible reaction when she would hear me play that I didn’t notice the guys talking to me. Brian smacked my head hard.

“Ouch! What the fuck, dude?” I rubbed the sore spot on the back of my head.

“You brought it all on yourself, man.” Matt laughed from the driver’s seat.

“Seriously, did you leave your head back in NYC?” Brian asked. He had planted himself next to me in the back.

“He was probably thinking about this girl.” Johnny chuckled on the passenger’s seat. I kicked the back of his seat but he just kept on grinning.

“No. Well, yes. But only because she made this trip a whole lot more fun.” They all shot me confused looks. “Not what you guys think! I love Gena! It is not like that with Katie. She is just fun and an amazing person to have around.”
“She was really cute actually. But what happened to her arm?” Brian played with his lighter and refused to look at anyone of us.

“Did you just say you find her cute?” Matt asked looking rather shocked. Johnny and I exchanged surprised looks ourselves. Since he broke up with Michelle almost a year ago Brian hadn’t looked at other women at all. Not even Synyster Gates cared enough to hook up with a random groupie. We had accepted the fact that he refused to talk about what had happened the night he ended it with his first real love but he was our brother and seeing him broken like this worried us all massively. So him noticing Katie was really surprising but in my opinion absolutely great. Maybe I should introduce these two to each other. I had this feeling in my guts that she would wake him up from this horrible nightmare he was still in.

“Whatever, man.” Brian mumbled and looked out of the window. I cleared my throat getting back the attention from the guys in the front.

“Well she didn’t really say anything about how she got it but I wasn’t really pushing her either. I mean we are strangers right?”

“Are you going to meet again?” Johnny asked while he grabbed his phone to probably text Lacey telling the girls that we would arrive soon.

“Probably. I told her about our gig on Friday so maybe she will come around to watch us play.”

“Cool. Now tell us all about New York.”

Katie’s POV

“Here you go, young lady. I hope you have a great time here in our beautiful city.” The cab driver helped me shouldering my backpack and smiled politely at me. He had been giving me a small tour through the city – for free!! – and told me where to go and where to stay away from.

“Thank you, sir. Also for the tour, I really appreciate it.” I shook his hand and grabbed the handle of my suitcase.

“Oh it was a pleasure. I will wait until you are safe inside.” He opened the driver’s door and waved me goodbye.

“Ok, thanks. Bye.” Smiling I made my way to the door of a huge house. It should have taken my breath away but all I could think of was that I was about to see Elly again after what felt like a lifetime. I managed to lift my heavy suitcase on the front porch but as I raised my hand in order to knock the door flew open.

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