Chapter 10

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Zacky’s POV

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I heard Brian yell once again. We were currently in the studio to work on our new album and today we wanted to record Brian’s solos. But he had some major difficulties to concentrate and messed up most of the time.

“Ok, how about you take 5 and then we try again.” Larry suggested running his hands over his face in frustration.

“Hm.” Was Brian’s only reply as he got up and left the room to probably have a smoke. Larry sighed as we watched him leave.

“If his mood doesn’t improve eventually we have a real problem.” Larry said matter-of-factly. Matt shot me a look and cleared his throat.

“Well we try and get him in the zone but it’s complicated.”

“Whatever it is he should clear it off. We are still on schedule but … well you guys know how this works.” Our manager got up and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Only Matt and I were left in the control room. Arin had this day off and Johnny was working with Fred next door.

“It’s been a week now and he is still moping around. He’s worse than during the time Michelle left him.” Matt sighed and sat down next to me on the sofa.

“I know man and it’s really frustrating. But I have no idea how to cheer him up. He is like coming here, messing up and then driving home again. He is not even going out. At all.”

“We really have to do something.” Matt leaned back on the sofa.

“We sure do man. I’ll go talk to him. Maybe I can get him to finish this song off so we have at least one ready.”

“Alright. I’ll call Val. Maybe she knows how to get good old Gates back in the game.” I nodded and got up. I put on my flip-flops, grabbed two cold beers out of the fridge and stepped outside the studio. Brian sat a little offside lighting what I guessed was his third cigarette. I dragged another chair towards him and sat down. He didn’t even notice me until the cold bottle touched his arm. Without a word he took it and took a huge gulp of the cool liquid. We sat there in silence listening to the birds and passing cars. Brian stared into space and was totally oblivious of me studying his face.

Everything about him screamed of sadness and bitterness. His once so happy eyes were empty and staring at something only he could see. His whole body was slumped down and seemed drained of all the energy he usual had. Suddenly Brian closed his eyes and sighed.

“Have you heard of her?” He asked quietly. I immediately knew who he meant.

“No. Not a word.” We took another gulp of our beers and I played with the label that was slowly coming off my bottle. “Dude, I’m not sure if it’s because of Katie but something is wrong. The guys and I are worried.”

“I’m fine Zack. Really, don’t worry. And no, it has nothing to do with Katie.” He said a little annoyed.

“You know you can talk to …”

“Dude, really. I’m fine. Now let’s get this fucking solo recorded.” He flicked his butt away and walked back into the studio leaving me behind.

Larry and Matt were right. We had to do something to get him back or we would have a real problem.

Katie’s POV

I collapsed on my bed face first. Elly had dragged me to the Hollywood Hills today to show me the wonderful view over the city and probably to cheer me up. I used to be very much into acting but that changed when my life went upside down. Of course I was mesmerized by the view and the knowledge that I was actually in the city of dreams filled my broken heart with a small amount of happiness again. But as we drove off to find a nice restaurant for a late lunch we came past the diner we went to before the concert of Avenged Sevenfold almost ten days ago and said happiness vanished again. And Elly saw it. It hurt me a lot seeing her disappointed after trying her best to cheer me up but I just couldn’t get myself to enjoy all of the things she planned for us to do.

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