Chapter 9

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Brian’s POV

We sat there what felt like hours enjoying some peace and quiet away from our friends. Surprisingly I didn’t think about Michelle for once. In fact I wasn’t thinking at all. I just sat there holding this fragile girl close to me and for once my heart felt at ease. There was no pain of losing and missing my very best friend and brother nor did it hurt that Michelle left me. I felt … good. I closed my eyes and embraced a long forgotten lightness that was spreading through my being. I was so lost in this moment of peace that I didn’t feel Katie shifting out of my embrace to sit cross-legged with her whole body facing me. Suddenly I felt soft fingertips lightly touching my cheek.

“Brian?” She whispered. I opened my eyes and turned to look at her. The sun was beautifully highlighting her hair and made her eyes seem brighter. They still looked sad but not as helpless anymore. The longer I looked at her beautiful face I could see a light blush tinting her cheeks which made me wondering of what she was thinking about. Embarrassed she lowered her gaze to her hands that were playing with the laces of her boots. This picture was just too cute! I let out a low chuckle and lifted my hand to brush a lose strand of hair behind her ear. At my touch her head snapped up and built up the weird connection from earlier again as our eyes locked. It was amazing how she managed to take my mind off of the chaos that my life was since the day our brother left us. I knew nothing about this girl but I loved what she was doing to me. I smiled at how crazy I was to even think this way about a girl I only met the night before and that I hardly knew. Katie frowned lightly at my smile and cocked her head in confusion. Now my hand that was absently playing with her hair was cupping her cheek and she seemed to like it which made me smile even wider. I wanted to say something but suddenly we heard an infuriated scream from behind us.

“What the hell?!” Our heads snapped towards it and we saw a fuming Elly pushing through the crowd with Matt, Zacky and Val running after her. Katie breathed in sharply and her eyes were widening in fear. This wasn’t at all good. Without a second thought I literally jumped over the backrest of the bench and planted myself protectively in front of Katie.

“Wow, wow, wow, calm don’t Elly. You’re freaking her out.”

“Who the fuck are you to tell me to calm down?” Elly jumped at me.

“I …” Lifting my hands in defeat I tried to explain the situation to her. But she cut me off angrily.

“Just shut the fuck up! It is your fault that she ran away in the first place! And then you find her and didn’t even think about calling me? Just get the hell out of my way!” She pushed me rudely aside and started to yell at her friend. Couldn’t she see that Katie was close to tears and totally freaked out? What was wrong with that girl?

“And you! What the fucking hell is wrong with you? Running away like that without your goddamn phone! You’re so damn lucky that I can’t perform resurrection spells. I would kill you over and over again! Jesus, what have you been thinking? And stop looking at me like a scared little squirrel during a fucking thunderstorm!”

My friends had finally caught up with us and watched the scene in front of them in disbelief. Elly was exploding. I felt myself tense up with every word she spat in her friends face and the urge to slap her across the face grew even more. But I could feel Zacky’s and Val’s hands on my back and shoulders trying to keep me from doing something stupid.

“Elly, please calm down. It’s alright, nothing really happened.” Matt took a few steps towards Elly.

“The fuck is alright! We were looking everywhere for heaven’s sake and she sits here with your fucking friend all lovey dovey!” Now she got in Matt’s face. I was grateful for him to have my back. Suddenly I heard quiet sobs coming from behind the mad woman. All my senses were immediately focused on Katie’s beautiful face that was drowning in her tears. My fists clenched even more and I felt Zacky’s grip tightening around my shoulder. As if she sensed it Katie’s wide eyes found mine and it was hard to resist not grabbing her and taking her away from here.

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