Chapter 24

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for the late update but I hope I can make up for it. Please let me know if you like or hate it. Either way I'm grateful for a comment and a vote.


Brian’s POV

“How are you feeling?” Katie sat next to me on the couch, her hand lightly placed on the back of my neck where she played with the strands of my hair.

“A lot better, thank you baby.” I smiled and took her other hand while I sipped on the tea she had made for me. She smiled softly at me and I could see the concern in her eyes slowly fading.

After telling her everything Katie had brought me to the couch and had wrapped a blanket around my still naked body. In one others eyes I might have looked pathetic but not in hers. Katie didn’t say anything about it. Instead she acted like I was dressed. She totally understood what it was like to bottle things up until it was almost destroying me.

“It’s so weird …” I said and looked into the cup.

“You have lived under pressure for so long honey. Of course you feel different now. Take it slow.” She kissed my forehead and stood. “I’m gonna go and take a shower. Is that ok?”

“Of course, baby. I’ll be right here.” I smiled and watched her skipping upstairs.

 I sat there wrapping the blanket closer around myself. After all this time it felt a certain peace of mind. Even with Katie not around I felt calm and this constant throbbing of pain in my chest vanished as if nothing had happened. I saw the photo of Jimmy and me and picked it up to look closer at it. It was from one of our boat trips. We were hugging each other close and I remembered that evening like it was yesterday. Jimmy had been his usual wicked self and had thrown Johnny into the sea. Little midget was drunk as hell so we had to fish him out again while Jimmy was laughing his ass off. It was such a fun trip. Every trip with my best friends was fun and something to remember.

New to me now was that I could remember all this without guilt or pain. All the negative stuff was gone but the happy memories stayed. And all this was thanks to my beautiful girlfriend. It was incredible. I mean we have been dating for almost a month now and she already made me talk about this nightmare. Not to mention the wonderful night we have shared. Only thinking of her then and now being upstairs in my shower I wanted her all over again. Smirking I sat the picture down on my coffee table and made my way to the stairs when suddenly a knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. I stood there thinking about whether I should answer it or not. That’s when the knock got more demanding. So I wrapped the blanket around my waist and walked up to the door to open it with a sigh.

“Yes, how can …” My jaw dropped as I noticed the person who was standing at my doorstep.

“Hello Brian. Long time, no see.”

“Michelle.” I whispered. Chuckling she took her shades off and smiled sweetly at me.

“The one and only. Now will you let me in or what? After all it’s still my house too.” I couldn’t even think straight. She brushed past me and came inside with Pinkly running up to her. Michelle picked her up and cuddled to her as if nothing had ever happened.

“Can you please leave my house, Michelle? I have company.” I glared at her holding the door open for her.

“Obviously. Don’t you want to introduce her to me?”

“Err no? I want you gone before she even notices your presence.”

“Oh Brian, why so aggressive?” She smirked and walked into the kitchen to pour herself some of my tea. But after a small sip she spit it out into the sink and made a disgusted face. “Seriously, she was trying to poison you. I would kick her out.”

A Little Piece of Heaven - {Synyster Gates - Book 1} -Where stories live. Discover now