Chapter 27

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Katie’s POV

“I didn’t know it was so bad, ma’am.” The construction manager wiped sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

“And it’s getting better!” I cried out in frustration. “Thanks to your incompetence we are way out of schedule and have to deal with that shitty work you haven’t even completed! These kids need this place for a better future, or any future for that matter.”

“It’s not my fault …”

“I don’t care whose fault it is! You fucked up.” I closed my folder and stood. “You will hear from our lawyer. We want our money back. Every single cent. Good day, Mr Murdock.” Without waiting for his response I left the office.

Waiting for the elevator I ran my hand through my messy hair. I was tired and angry and I really missed my boyfriend. We hadn’t talked for the last two days and I felt bad for what I said in the car the other day. I couldn’t really sleep because I was waiting for a sign from Brian, that it was ok for me to contact him, but I had received nothing so far. Additionally we had this problem with the construction company that was declared insolvent a couple of days ago. Their work was not even near completion and also lacked on quality. We had consulted an expert and he recommended hiring a company that would rip off the already existing results and start anew. It was the logical consequence but cost us extra money. Money we didn’t have.

So I went to talk to Mr Murdock, who had been the construction manager of this project, but he shirked all responsibility in that matter and blamed his bosses for the whole problem that was at hand. It just pissed me off that he would do nothing to help these kids that needed our help. He got his money and would leave his office with a large redundancy payment, living happily ever after in his huge mansion, while those kids slipped into drugs and crime.

However that wasn’t everything that bothered me at the moment. Together with several e-mails from my friends in Munich I had received my notice of termination from my employer. So now I wasn’t just homeless – which I technically was due to my spontaneous escape from Munich – I also was unemployed and nearly broke.

Doing this job for the social project was a matter close to my heart. So I didn’t receive any payment for this and I wouldn’t ask Elly or anyone else in charge to pay me. I also couldn’t tell Elly about it because she would give me money to help me out; money that she didn’t have herself. So either way I was going to get a job here, making my residence permanent, or I would go back to Germany and talk to my boss, explaining him the situation.

Sighing I took the elevator downwards to the lobby and left the office building in downtown L.A. I stopped a cab to take me back to Huntington Beach to the property of our social project when Elly called me.

“Hey girl. How did it go?”

“A total disaster.” I sighed.

“Oh damn. That’s what I feared.” I could hear her frustration. Of course, we gonna need a lot of money not only to pay the new construction company but also the lawyer, because there will most definitely be a lawsuit to get our money back.

“I’m sorry. I did everything in my power.”

“I know, I know. Don’t worry. God will solve it for us. We just have to have faith.”

“You have enough faith for us both.” I chuckled. “I’m on my way to you, want me to bring lunch?”

“Sounds good to me. But tell me, why aren’t you with Brian? These past few days you’ve been home all the time, working your butt off for us.”

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