Chapter 2

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I was floating. I don’t know why and on what exactly but I have never felt this light ever in my life before. Everything around me was quiet and comforting, a tad too dark for my liking but still very calming. Being there, wherever or whatever it was, felt so unbelievably good. Not just physically but deep down in my soul. The wounds Lenny had left on it were slowly healing and I could feel myself come to terms with myself. It wasn’t my fault that it happened to me. It wasn’t me who unconsciously called for his beating. It was all him. He, and no one else, was responsible for what he had done to me. I was glad that I finally got rid of him for good. He would never hurt me again. He would never be part of my life again. Finally I was free.

I could feel a beaming smile lighting up my face. Thinking about my new future without living in constant fear made me so incredibly happy. And I don’t mean happy in the sense of “Yay, I got the new Jimmy Choo’s.” I mean this warm and fulfilling feeling that starts as a little glowing ball in your heart area and then spreads throughout your whole body until you nearly explode. I could hear myself laugh like I have never laughed before. So free and carefree. I wished I could share this feeling with Leo and Jules.

Right in that moment I felt a short but piercing pain in my head. Imagine you accidently cut yourself with a very sharp knife while cooking. At first you feel nothing but as soon as you see the blood you feel this stinging pain that gets worse the longer you look at the wound. This was how I felt out of a sudden. I wanted to clutch my head and make it stop by putting pressure on it. But I couldn’t lift my arms. Why couldn’t I lift my arms? What was going on? Another lightning of pain shot through my brain. I screamed for help, for someone to make it stop but again my body wouldn’t listen to me. My mouth stayed shut and no sound was escaping through my lips. With the next flash I felt something hitting my chest.

‘Please, oh please, no! Don’t let me go back there!’ I begged to no one in particular to let me be in this happy place. I didn’t want to feel this pain and any more beating anymore. Why would someone be so cruel to bring me back to this awful place where people hurt each other without mercy? This made me realize that I wasn’t really awake. But when this was a dream why did this happiness felt so real? The beating to my chest stopped. But I just had a few seconds to notice it with relieve. Because shortly after it felt as if someone pumped hot air down my throat into my lungs. It hurt like hell. My ribcage cracked under the pressure of my lung. It felt like if my ribs tore through my skin and ripped me apart. How could I not notice the absence of my breathing earlier? Maybe I was so used to it that I didn’t think about it twice. The hot air was again pushed into my lungs. I wanted to scream, to run away but still I couldn’t. Suddenly it was gone and the rhythmic pressure to my chest started again but now with much more force. The darkness around me began to move and two lights came rushing towards my unmoving figure. Was that a car? This can’t be happening … Why is there a car? … This can’t be true! Please wake me up! … Please, please, please …


“I should have known. One of us should have stayed with her all the time …”

“You know exactly that she wouldn’t have wanted that.”

“Of course but we should have forced it onto her.”

“Leo, you know it wouldn’t have made a difference. Both of you probably would have ended like this.”

“Rather me then her!”

Tired and sad voices started to come through to my clouded senses. I had noticed one to be Leos even before the guy mentioned her name. But why was she so sad and of whom was she talking about? I didn’t like to see her upset. She needed one of my bear-hugs right now, of that I was certain.

I slowly opened my heavy lids but closed them again as the brightness of the ceiling light burned my eyes.

“Leo, look.” The male voice said excitedly. What happened? I wanted to see for myself. I opened my eyes again and waited for them to slowly adjust to the light in the room. I blinked a few times and realized that I was in a hospital room. An ugly painting of a fat baby was greeting me from the wall facing me.

‘It’s a mini pig and no baby.’ I groaned and rolled my head to the left. Leo gasped and put her hands over her mouth. Her eyes became teary and as I slowly reached my hand for hers she grabbed it tightly. ‘I can move again.’

“Who made my little Leopard cry this time?” My throat was dry and my voice hoarse. Not to mention that it hurt like hell just thinking the words. Leo didn’t answer. She just stared at me, shaking her head no while tears dripped down on our joined hands and the mattress underneath. Another hand was suddenly clutching ours. My eyes followed the arm attached to it and met sparkling green orbs. Jordan, Leo’s brother and our drummer for our jam sessions, was close to tears as he answered my crooked smile. Soon enough two more hands landed on his. They belonged to a sobbing Jules and Max, Jordan’s friend and our bassist. They were all here. My family by choice was with me and this was all that mattered right now. I felt a silent tear running down my cheeks as I looked at each and every one of them while holding on to Leo’s hand.

“What happened?” I whispered after a while. Both girls looked to the ground and Max’ jaw clenched. Confused I looked at Jordan who looked at me with cold eyes. His gaze softened as he literally saw the big interrogation mark on my face.

“You can’t remember?” I shook my head no. “Well, it’s probably for the best.”

“Jordan.” I cleared my burning throat, “You are my big brother. You can’t expect me to accept the fact of waking up in a hospital without knowing why.” Jordan and I were pretty close since the beginning of our friendship. He has always treated me equally to Leo – everyone in their family did actually.

He sighed; which was an indicator of him yielding to my argument.

“I’m pretty sure you know why you are here but you have to hear it from someone else I guess. Lenny found out where you moved to and broke into yours and Jules’ apartment. He destroyed everything and waited for you to come home. When you did, he …” Jordan stopped and closed his eyes. I could see how he tried to calm himself by breathing in and out slowly. As his words sank into my brain the memories of that afternoon came back to me.

“He beat me to a pulp.” I whispered, staring into space. Leo and Jules both let out hiccoughing sobs as they realized that I did remember. I focused back to reality and looked at Jordan. He was the strong one. He was always there when I needed strong arms to catch me. I held onto him whenever the weight of the world was pushing me down. And he never failed me. Not once. Not ever. Not even now.

“He tried to kill me.” The room went dead silent as he nodded. When my bruised heart wasn’t already shattered then it was now. My eyes welled up with tears and I turned my head away from them. I closed my eyes again in a poor attempt to shut out reality. I was ashamed of myself and felt humiliated lying like this in front of my friends. I felt the pressure of their hands lifting but Leo, I guess it was her, still clutched mine tightly. I heard Max whispering something and soon even her grip loosened. The pain of those cruel memories took its toll on me and I felt myself drifting off into sleep. But before everything went black around me again I felt Jordan’s lips on my forehead, whispering: “I love you so much, sis, and I will do anything to make it better. I promise.”

>> Hey guys. So here is the second chap. I hope you like it. The next chap will be more exciting though *insert wiggling eyebrows here* Please vote and comment and spread the word :) loves you <<

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