Chapter 8

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The sound of waves hitting the shore woke me up. They were so incredibly loud. Whoever forgot to invent a volume control button for waves he should burn in the deepest pits of hell. My head was a big pulsing ball of pain. And the brightness of the room didn’t help at all to make it better. I grabbed the pillow from under my head and pressed it on my face. Lord, what had happened last night? How did I get home? Oh this headache was going to kill me. Groaning I turned to lie on my stomach, the pillow still over my head. Suddenly I felt a shifting of weight next to me and a heavy arm snaking itself around my waist. My eyes flew open and I jerked away from the body next to me. But it wasn’t just any body lying in bed next to me. It was Brian. My eyes widened in shock as they roamed his naked torso, tattooed arms and peaceful face. His hair was a mess and he snored quietly which was actually really cute. Then it hit me again: Brian was sleeping in the same bed I was lying in and I had no idea how that had happened! I had totally lost it now! After what happened with Lenny how could I have let myself get so terribly drunk that I ended up in bed with a guy I barely know? Haven’t I learned my lesson? This was a total mess! Oh god, when he was shirtless then … I carefully lifted the sheet that covered us both and luckily found us still wearing our underwear. I fell back onto my side of the bed and pressed the pillow on my face again. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself but this pillow didn’t smell at all like mine. Its scent was more a mix of cigarette, aftershave and manly rock star. This wasn’t my room! I was in a completely different house! I sat up straight and looked around. From the quick movement my head started to spin and a light sickness formed itself in the pit of my stomach. Holding my head I took in the layout of the bright bedroom and the huge window front with a balcony towards the ocean. Clothes were scattered on the floor and an empty bottle of champagne lied next to my shoes near the door. Again I asked myself what had happened and why I wasn’t at home with Elly. My head hurt even more as I tried very hard to remember last night’s events. Pictures of us all drinking and laughing came back to me; Johnny dancing on the table with Elly and Gena, me and Brian downing shots, Matt and Zacky passed out in the corner. I groaned again and tried to get up but Brian’s arm tightened around my waist and pulled him closer to me. This really couldn’t be happening! I had to get out of there before it would get even more awkward as it already was. I carefully put my hand on Brian’s arm in order to lift it off of me. His skin was warm and softer as I imagined it to be. The longer my hand touched his arm the stronger the longing of cuddling up next to him and tracing the lines of his tattoos became. Suddenly he stirred in his sleep and I snapped out of it. This hangover was heavier than I thought. How could I even think about something like that with a stranger? Apparently I was not just hung over but totally insane. But who wouldn’t be after being beaten up several times and nearly killed? Shaking my head – and immediately regretting it – I slipped off the bed while putting my pillow under Brian’s arm. That’s how you saw it in the movies so hopefully it would work for me too. Ignoring my pounding head and the sick feeling in my stomach as best as I could I grabbed my clothes and shoes and tiptoed to the door. Throwing on my shirt I opened the door to a quiet hallway. With one last glance back at the sleeping beauty I silently left the room and closed the door. I scurried away down the hallway to an open gallery with stairs leading to the huge living room. If I hadn’t been hung over and in such a hurry I would have gone to discover everything around Brian’s house. But I needed to get out of there before he woke up so I pulled on my shorts and shoes and quietly went down the stairs. This was actually quite a challenge with my head spinning like crazy. Clinging onto the banister I slowly took one step after another, trying not to fall. Fortunately I arrived save and quietly at the bottom of the stairs and also spotted my purse and phone on the little table next to it. But as I took a step towards it I heard a light growl from underneath said table. Frozen in shock my gaze lowered to where the sound came from and noticed a little white fur-ball with beady eyes looking up at me. Oh god. This wasn’t a good sign. As everyone knows small dogs are the worst. Once they start barking it is hard to stop them. Watching this little fella I realized that he could easily ruin my plan to leave unnoticed. My eyes darted from the cute furry time bomb to my purse and back again. I did this a couple of times waiting anxiously. The dog came a little closer and sniffed while keeping his eyes on me. The thoughts in my head were running back and forth, considering every possibility and therefore feeding my burning headache. I couldn’t wait any longer so I carefully reached out for my purse and phone. Right in that moment the little fur-ball decided to make noise. He jumped around me, wiggling his little tail in excitement and letting everyone in the house – and probably the neighborhood – know that I was leaving.

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