Chapter 18

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Sorry for that crappy chapter but I wanted to post today, as a 'YAY IT'S FUCKING WEEKEND'-gift :)


Katie’s POV

“Ewww … what the …?” A small but very wet tongue woke me up by licking over my cheek repeatedly. I sat up rubbing my eyes seeing Pinkly sitting in front of me wiggling her tail. She yelped as if to say ‘good morning’ which made me smile.

“Good morning, little one.” She came onto my lap demanding her cuddles. Chuckling I gave into her wish and while I stroked her behind the ears I remembered last night.

It had taken us a while to get Brian into the tub but we eventually succeeded. I had found a wash cloth and started to gently rub the dirt off his face and arms while Zacky had been watching me. It was somewhat an awkward silence between us but who wouldn’t feel weird when a stranger was washing your best friend? Lucky for us, Zacky’s phone had gone off at some point. It had been Matt asking if we had found Brian and how he was. It was just a short call since Zacky agreed the both of us would meet the others later. As I had continued washing Brian I couldn’t help but feel a little too reluctant to leave him like that. He looked so fragile, I couldn’t just go but I was afraid that Zacky would find it weird if I said I would rather stay. But I had made up my mind when my eyes noticed Brian staring at me again with an unreadable expression of his face.

When I had finished cleaning the worst mess off of him I had left it to Zacky to dry him off and looked for some clothes in Brian’s wardrobe. Ignoring the fact that this guy owned more clothes, shoes and accessories than Elly and I together, I had fished a pair of grey sweat pants and a plain white shirt out of the masses and went back to the bathroom. Of course I had knocked this time, just in case. Zacky had come and took the clothes and after a couple of minutes I had helped him carrying Brian to bed. I had tugged him in and silently followed his fellow band mate downstairs to the front door.

“Zacks, I’m not coming.” I had said quietly looking down at my feet.

“What? Why not?” His face had shown clear confusion.

“I can’t just leave him. That sounds so weird but I have a feeling that I should stay. Besides,” Pinkly had sat down between us looking pleadingly up at me, “… she needs company.”

“She is a dog. And it’s not like she hasn’t been alone before.” Zacky had rubbed the back of his neck. I had no argument left so I picked her up and hugged Pinkly close waiting for his final decision. After a while he had sighed in defeat.

“Alright. I guess you’re the only one who can make him feel better anyways. But if something happens you call me ok?” Happy and relieved I had sat Pinkly down and hugged him close.

“Thanks Zacky. I will take good care of him, don’t worry.” He had kissed the top of my head and left. It had been a really weird feeling, being back in Brian’s house. To make sure I knew where the phone was Pinkly had shown me around before we checked on her master again. He had been sleeping peacefully which had brought a soft smile to my face. I couldn’t help but to sit down next to him on the bed. His hair had been falling into his face so I lightly brushed it back. Shockwaves had been running up my arm making me flinch away from him. Quietly I had hurried out of his room closing the door gently. Breathlessly I had leaned against the wall. Again the fear of this familiar feeling had crept up my spine. It was impossible! I couldn’t feel that way towards him. Not now. Not ever. I wasn’t ready for any commitment or those bittersweet feelings of love. Not just because of my past that was still somewhat haunting me but because I didn’t know Brian well enough. And how can you possibly fall in love with someone who you have seen not even ten times in your life, that you haven’t spoken to more than 20 words yet?

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