Chapter 11

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Katie’s POV

It’s been another week now since Zacky called that afternoon. We have been talking almost every night. I would spend the time of our calls either in my bathroom with the shower on or in my bed whispering. It was actually really funny because during the latter he would always ask me to repeat what I had just said. And I was still quite surprised that Elly hasn’t voiced her suspicions yet because I was taking a lot of showers … if you get my drift. Anyways, I felt myself lightening up with every minute I talked to him. He distracted my thoughts in a way my other friends couldn’t.

We got to know each other really well and talked about almost everything. It may sound strange but he grew to be the big brother I never had. He told me everything about his band, from the early stages to what they were now, about how the recording was going and about his wife and family. The stories he had to tell made laugh so hard in some cases that I had to press a pillow against my face. The first time that happened Zacky was really concerned because he only heard the rustling of my sheets and me choking on my laughter. I wished I could have seen his face.

This was actually our only point of issue. He couldn’t understand that I endured being grounded and guarded by my best friend. One night we even yelled at each other – well, I whisper-yelled – and he hung up on my angrily. At the first I was fuming and thinking what the hell his problem was and that he is no one to me to act like this. But a couple of minutes later I felt really bad for yelling at him. Of course he couldn’t understand mine or Ellys reasons because he didn’t know the whole story. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t tell anyone. At least not yet. I called him back contritely and we apologized over and over again until we laughed about our childish behavior. But it was still a very tense subject. But not just this one. He never mentioned Brian. When I asked him about the recording he would tell me what they did all day and that everything was going great. But with no single word he would mention his friend. I was wondering why.


I was lying on my bed in my dark room and looked out of my window to the sky. The moon shone brightly and billion stars were plastered on the dark blue ceiling of the world. Zacky just told me about another mean prank they pulled on poor Johnny but I was too lost in thoughts to react.

“Katie?” His quiet voice snapped me out of my trance.

“Sorry what did you just say?” I ran a hand over my face.

“It doesn’t matter. Where have you been? Already dreaming?” I could him smirking.

“Sort of.”

“Sort of?” I nodded although he couldn’t see it. “Care to elaborate?”

“How is Brian?” I asked after a while.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. How. Is. Brian?” It was quiet for a long time. I started to believe that he hung up on me as he sighed sadly.

“Honestly, I hoped you wouldn’t ask.” His words sank in slowly but as soon as I processed them I sat up straight forgetting about being quiet.

“Why? What is wrong with him?”

“I actually don’t know. We are all at wit’s end really. Even Val gave up. He is coming in late to the studio and messing up each and every solo. There is not one song that is ready yet. And he looks like shit to say the least.”

“Have you tried to talk to him?”

“Of course, and not just once but he wouldn’t answer. He is annoyed and would yell at us if we tried to approach him.”

A Little Piece of Heaven - {Synyster Gates - Book 1} -Where stories live. Discover now