Chapter 7

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We downed the shot and just as we put the glasses back on the bar the lights went out. I felt Elly grabbing my wrist in the dark. Then an eerie carillon-like melody started to play and everyone in the club cheered loudly. Guitars set in and the lights illuminated everything to the beat of heavy drums. Goosebumps had formed themselves on every inch of my body. The song had just begun but I could already feel the melody tug at my nerve endings and the beat conducting the beating of my heart. Zacky’s guitar play was amazing. I could see him grinning towards the other guy on the guitar and the bassist. Then I saw the lead singer entering the stage and the already wild crowd went insane. He and everyone in the club shouted the first word of this song together: “NIGHTMAAAAAARE!” And the concert began.

It was amazing. The crowd knew every single word of the song and although the club was not really big enough they managed to form a small moshpit in the middle of it. Elly and I grinned at each other and danced, jumped and shouted with all the others. The voice of the singer was beautifully rough and sent shivers down my spine. The perfect mix of bass and drums seemed to take control over my body and made me move to their liking. But all this was nothing against the guitar play of Zacky and his friend. I forgot his name but hell he played himself right into my shattered heart. No offence, Zacky was brilliant but it felt like the other guy casted a spell on me. I couldn’t tear my gaze off of him: His every move burned itself on my retina leaving me blind for anything else.

The song finished and everyone, including me and Elly, cheered as loud as we could. This pure energy coming from all of the guys was just intoxicating.

“How’s it going folks?” The singer asked the pulsing crowd. We cheered and jumped up and down in excitement.

“Yeah, it’s so good to be here with you before heading back to the studio…” All the fans whistled and rejoiced over this great news.

“Wow someone is excited.” Zacky’s fellow guitarist piped up. His voice sent shivers down my spine and again I completely zoned out as I watched him making fun of his band mates and the fans. The next song started and Elly nudged me in the side making me jump.

“Wow, girl, where have you been?” She grinned.

“Nowhere …”

“And I am a moose with bunny ears.”

“Really? You don’t exactly look like one.” Ben stated as he jumped around us to the beat.

“Are you kidding me? Can’t you see those sexy ears?”

“Quit it guys! I haven’t paid to hear your stupid banters but the amazing sound of these dudes over there.” I said pushing myself between my two companions.

“You haven’t paid at all.” Both of them stated in a duh-tone.

“Whatever.” I stuck my tongue out at them and turned towards the bar. “Anyone wants a drink?” I had to yell over the screaming crowd after the band finished their song. They started chatting about good old times and how amazing their fans were.

“Yeah, another beer would be great.” Ben said.

“How about we girls have a Long Island Iced Tea?” Elly suggested.

“Do you wanna get drunk tonight?” I cocked my eyebrow and grinned at her as she shrugged her shoulders. “Alright, be right back.”

I pushed through the crowd and disgusted I felt the occasional hand grabbing or slapping my butt. Just as I reached the bar the band started playing a slow and rather sad song. Next to me was a girl bursting into tears and her friend tried to comfort her by pulling her into a tight hug. I looked around seeing several sad faces and lighted lighters being waved to the rhythm of the song. I had no idea what it was all about but this song reminded me of my friends that were just as far away as the person the singer sang about. The sad and yearning guitar solo filled my heart so much with guilt and sadness that I couldn’t bear it. This had to stop! It was my decision to come here to L.A. leaving Leo, Jordan, Jules and Max without another word and now I had to live with the consequence of losing them.

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