Chapter 6

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Elly and I spent the rest of the day walking around the neighborhood talking, laughing and basically just catching up. She asked me about what had happened and why I was visiting her on my own but I kept my mouth shut and changed the subject every time successfully. Of course I could read in her eyes and from the expression on her face that she wasn’t buying any of the bullshit I was telling her but as long as she refrained from bugging me about it I was happy. A part of me knew that it was wrong to keep these memories and feelings bottled up. I would have to talk about it before it tore me apart but I still kept on hoping that this whole chaos inside of me would solve itself without anyone knowing about it.

When we got back to the house I excused me and went upstairs to my room. I still had to unpack all my stuff and I wanted some alone time, too. Since I couldn’t lift the suitcase with one hand onto the bed on my own I left it on the floor and started to sort things out from there. My thoughts were running back to my friends as I put my clothes in the wardrobe and drawers. It was unbelievable but each and every item I owned had its own story. Even my freaking socks. They reminded me of one of Jules’ and I’s laundry days where we would wash some of our clothes and towels by hand in the bathtub. It sounds stupid and senseless but we had a great time flooding our bathroom and drowning each other without getting any of the washing done. Sometimes Leo and the guys would join us, too. Yes, we were freaks but we loved and lived it with all our hearts.

As I put my beauty products and some towels in the bathroom I heard my phone signaling an incoming text. Wondering who it might be I grabbed it from the bed and looked at the screen. It was from Jordan.

“I hope you are happy. Wherever you are the pieces of my broken heart are with you. Farewell, sweet sis of mine. xxx J”

I stared at his words for what felt like an eternity. Reading it over and over again I realized he was saying goodbye. I lied down on my bed and curled up into a ball. I wasn’t even able to cry. I just lied there in shock not believing that one of the most important people in my life was giving up on me. But what have I been expecting? That they would accept me being M.I.A. without any sign of warning and not trying to find me? Who was I kidding? I hurt their feelings massively. It was like I had slapped them across the face with my distrust. But I just couldn’t talk to them about everything that had happened. There was this some sort of barrier that I couldn’t overcome just yet. But I knew that I had to find a way to make it through all of this in order to get my friends, my family back. This picture of misery wasn’t me and I hated being scared and all emo-like. With the serious intention to start dealing with my issues the next day I fell into a dreamless sleep.


The next day I joined Josh for lunch. We haven’t been talking really so I thought it would be nice to get to know each other a little since I was staying with him and Elly for quite a while. We chatted and laughed about random stuff and he told me stories about Elly and their group on their missions. It was really fun to hear someone else talk about my friend.

“And then she jumped right in front of El scaring the shit out of her.” We were both cracking up when Elly joined us in the kitchen.

“Hey guys. What’s so funny?” She put her car keys and purse on the bar and went to the fridge to grab some orange juice.

“Oh Josh was just telling me about your field trip to San Francisco.”

“What??? Now I have to kill you, I hope you know that.” She punched his arm playfully.

“It is so worth it!!” Josh and I high-fived and laughed at Elly’s face.

“I’m glad you two get along so well.” She scoffed.

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