Chapter 25

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Katie’s POV

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I held Brian’s hand as we stood in front of the tattoo parlor of one of his friends. I was looking at the big letters above the door saying ‘HB Tattoo’.

“I am. Besides it was your idea. Why are you hesitating?” He chuckled and tugged on my hand to pull me to the door.

“I don’t know. I just am I guess. It was just an idea.” I looked away from the letters to his smiling face. Chuckling he shook his head as he let go of my hand to cup my face.

“Baby, it is a fantastic idea and I already know what I want.” I looked into his eyes and sighed as I saw his sincerity.

“Alright. Let’s do this.”

“Alright.” He kissed me and together we entered the parlor. It was an amazing store. The walls were painted in black and red and covered with paintings by the artists and trophies from several contests. Through the sound of metal songs the buzzing of tattoo guns reached my ears. I let go of Brian’s hand and walked to an old pool table where several books with the artists’ portfolios were displayed. I was really impressed by the artwork that was so incredibly detailed, it took my breath away. That’s when I heard my name. I looked up and saw Brian waving me over. He was standing with a guy who was wearing a cap and the right side of his neck was tattooed. Both were smiling at me.

“Baby, I’d like you to meet the best tattoo artist on the planet and one of the most incredible friends I can have.” Brian said and the guy laughed.

“Geez man. Stop lying to this gorgeous lady.” I blushed as he took my hand and kissed the top of it. “Jim’s the name.”

“I’m Katie. It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled at him. He smirked and winked at me.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He definitely knew how to charm a woman. When he let go of my hand I turned to Brian wondering why he didn’t tell me that he knew him.

“I didn’t know you knew the artists here.”

“Oh no. Jim is just here as a guest artist. He created my ink while we were on tour.” Brian explained.

“Yeah. I’m a resident artist at Analog Tattoo in San Jose and just here to visit old friends.” Jim chipped him. “Who would have thought the famous Synyster Gates wants a new tattoo.” Grinning he clapped on my boyfriend’s shoulder.

“It was my girl’s idea actually. For Jimmy.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and the both of us smiled at Jim who clicked his tongue.
“It’s still unbelievable that he is … What you have in mind? You know what? I buy you guys a coffee and we can talk. Sam can reschedule all my appointments for today.”

And so we went to a small café around the corner of the parlor. The guys chatted about the tattoo and the family. I left them to it and sipped on my tea while I had Pinkly on my lap and looked out the window.

It wasn’t a lie. I was happy. Completely happy. My life was finally back to a normal pace and not just that. I had found someone I could trust and be my true self with. I have never felt so free in a relationship before. My head would always find the flaws preventing me to enjoy the feeling but this time it was different and I enjoyed it with every cell of my body. I didn’t have to worry about anything, no intrigues, no psycho ex-girlfriends, nothing. It was perfect.

I kept looking out the window to the street with people walking by. Some were tourists who took their time looking at shops, enjoying the weather and scenery of this colorful part of the city. Then there were the local residents who were on their way to do the weekly shopping or off to work. It was a nice mix of people from different cultures, with and without tattoos, casually or fancily dressed. I really liked watching the crowd. That’s when I saw a beautiful woman with wavy brown hair standing across the street. She was wearing black sunglasses that matched her dark blue etui-dress and it seemed like she was looking at me. It was so weird. Something about her seemed so familiar but yet different, intimidating even. I couldn’t look away though and hoped she would take off her sunglasses so I could see her eyes. I was so focused on that mysterious woman that I jumped and nearly poured hot tea over poor Pinkly when Brian’s broad hand touched my thigh.
“Baby are you ok?” He looked worried at me. Jim chuckled a little as I wiped some spilled tea off my hands.

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