Chapter 16

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Katie’s POV

It’s true when they say: If you have a best friend you don’t need an enemy. And my best friend was surely my worst enemy at this point.

It was probably around 9 in the morning and I was cuddled up in my comfy bed when suddenly the sheets were yanked off me.

“Rise and shine sleepyhead!” Elly yelled and jumped onto my bed. She bounced on it so hard that I literally flew off the mattress with a shriek only to land onto the hard floor with a loud thud. I was so much in shock that I didn’t move for a while. For one, the pain was really bad and secondly, I was still sort of sleeping.

“Come on! Wake up wake up wake uuuuuuuuuuuuup!” Elly yelled and threw a pillow at my head.

“Seriously?” I groaned rolling onto my back and pressed the pillow in my face.

“Yes, seriously. I have this day off and you, my dear lucky friend, are going to keep me company.” She kept jumping on my bed. Why was she so awake and hyper at this early hour? I mean 9am is not really early but considering that I didn’t really sleep well last night this morning was one of my worst.

The evening was at first really nice. I was able to comfort Brian after that sudden and weird change of emotions during the BBQ at Zacky’s and I had been quite sure that he would make it through the night without any trouble.

After Zacky had dropped me off at home I had taken a wonderful shower and had plopped in a movie to watch because I hadn’t been tired then. But all I could think of was Brian. It scared the shit out of me to say the least. I mean we hadn’t really had any alone time and had been exchanging what? Ten maybe twenty words so far. It was ridiculous. The guys said I had some kind of effect on him but on the other side I questioned what effect he had on me himself.

Sitting on my bed watching the movie my mind kept wandering back to Brian. It was ridiculous how much I thought of him but I never had the guts to ask him for his number to call or text him. Unconsciously I grabbed my phone and flicked through my contacts to text Zacky. He would give it to me, I was sure. What nearly gave me a heart attack was a contact name that wasn’t there before. Synyster Gates. I rolled my eyes and scrolled down to Zacky.


“Hey Zacks.”


“I know what time it is thank you.”

“Then why in Mr Muffin’s name do you call?” He groaned making me laugh.

“Mr Muffin? Seriously?”

“Kathleen …” Dang he was serious.

“Ok ok, don’t call me that. I was wandering if you could give me Brian’s number … please?”

“You kidding right?”

“Uhm … no?” He groaned again.

“You have it already.”

“Come again?”

“Synyster Gates.”

“Yes, what’s with him?”

“Wooooaaaa that’s what I saved it under in your phone. Now go to sleep.” Before I could reply he had hung up on me.

“Grumpy much, hu?” I said as I starred at my phone. He had saved Brian’s number in my phone without me knowing? That guy had some serious explaining to do. I flicked back to his contact and couldn’t believe that it was really there. I clicked on it to send a text – calling would be rude at such a late hour.   

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