Chapter 13

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This is definitely not one of my best chapters. It turned out to be filler too but the next one should be interesting.

Please vote and comment :) <3


I jerked from my sleep when the sound of the doorbell reached through my clouded senses. I looked at the time on my phone and nearly fell off the deck chair. Shit! I had slept for two hours straight. Wait, I had slept? Like deeply and dreamlessly? I stared into space totally mesmerized by this conclusion. How the hell did that happen? Not that I missed these awful nightmares but why would they disappear just as sudden as they had begun weeks ago?

Again the doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts. Stumbling over my own two feet I rushed to answer it and looked at a grinning Matt when I opened it.

“Matt, uhm hi.” I smiled confused.

“Hey girl.” He took off his aviators and hugged me. Then his happy grin changed into a smug smirk.

“Brian will be happy seeing you in this ‘outfit’.” Yep, he used them damn quotation marks. Blushing because he mentioned Brian I looked down my body and mentally facepalmed myself. I was still in the bikini and he was here to pick me up for the BBQ.

“Aaahhh!! Matt, I’m so sorry. Seriously. Come on in.” I let him inside and rushed to get my things from the patio, fluttering around like a flushed hen which made him laugh. “I feel asleep and didn’t hear my phone. Really, I’m so sorry.”

“Take it easy, it’s cool. We are supposed to get the meat anyways so they can’t start without us.” I grinned at him.

“Clever of you. Here, help yourself to something to drink or anything. I’ll be ready shortly.” He nodded and laughed as I almost fell up the stairs.

I didn’t even wait for the water to heat up and hopped under the cool spray of water to take a shower. I quickly washed off the sun blocker and shampooed my hair thoroughly. I was done in what felt like five minutes. Wrapped in a fluffy towel I looked for something to wear: I chose my comfy jean shorts and a random shirt that I stuffed into the shorts. Hurrying with my hair and make-up I ran back downstairs.

“Wow, I call this a record.” Matt laughed and stood from lounging on the couch.

“I didn’t want to make you wait longer than necessary.” I grinned and slipped on my low sneakers.

“I wish Val was like that sometimes. I swear it takes ages for her to get ready to wherever we go.” He rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on, she can’t take longer than Brian.”

“Ok, I have to agree on that.” Laughing we high fived and I grabbed my phone and keys before we left.

It was actually really nice to talk to someone different than Zacky. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t appreciate the time he was giving me. I loved him for that and I enjoyed every minute. But I remembered only too well that Matt was, next to Brian, trying to cool Elly down that day at the pier. He didn’t know me at all and there he was, standing up for me.

We were driving through the streets to get the meat listening to Guns N’ Roses with me humming along. It was a comfortable silence between us, each of us in their own thoughts.

“Matt?” I suddenly said quietly.

“Hm?” He glanced over to me through his aviators but refocused on the road ahead again. I had my feet on the dashboard and my sunglasses on while I twirled my phone in my hands.

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