Chapter 28

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For everyone who was wondering who Jordan was again. He is Leo's brother and Katie's best friend from Munich. He was mentioned in the first two (?) chapters.

If you have any questions just ask :)

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Katie’s POV

The tension in the room was overwhelming. No one said a word: Josh and Elly stayed quiet mostly out of confusion, Jordan and I because we had to adjust to one another again.

I couldn’t believe that he was here, in L.A., in my best friend’s living room. It’s been almost four months that we hadn’t seen or heard from each other and now that he was here I felt how much I had missed him.

Without another word I stormed towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I couldn’t control my actions, I just followed my heart. Jordan didn’t hesitate and held me tight in his embrace burying his right hand in my hair like he would always do. He was one of my best friends, the big brother I never had. He stood up for me in every possible situation and had my back. I knew that it had broken him to see me beaten to the brink of death back in the days.

I heard soft shuffling and hushed voices. Elly and Josh probably gave us some space to talk. But we didn’t talk. Instead Jordan picked me up and sat down on the couch with me on his lap and he held me. I cuddled to his chest listening to his racing heartbeat that calmed down the longer we held each other. Every memory from Munich came rushing back to me. Yes, I had overcome my trauma I had suffered from as a result of getting abused but it still hurt like hell. I had let them down, all of them. The most important people in my life were disappointed and hurt beyond imagination. It sounds ridiculous but I thought that I would never see them again. And now I was sitting here, in Jordan’s lap. I realized that I had missed all of him so incredibly much: his scent, his voice, his touch, basically our amazing connection.

“I’ve missed you.” I whispered after a very long while.

“And I you. God Katie …” Jordan’s arms tightened around me and he leaned his forehead against the top of my head. His cap fell off but he didn’t care.

“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry what I did.”

“No … no, don’t be. I understand.” That surprised me. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

“You do?” He nodded. “But you have sent me this text … I …”

“I was hurt. I thought that you and I could talk about just anything and then I had to find out that you had run away from your home, your friends and family, only leaving a note behind.” I could see the sadness and pain in his face as he remembered the moment when they discovered my absence. I felt so incredibly bad about it but I had my reasons.

“I … I know that what I did to you guys was like a slap across your faces. Trust me, it took me a very long while to forgive myself. I … I actually expected you guys would never want to talk to me again. Ever.”

“Leo was pretty upset and you will probably gonna feel her wrath when you are back but …” Right at this moment I zoned out. While Jordan kept talking thoughts were invading my mind making me swallow hard.

It’s been almost four months that I had left Munich. I took the time to heal and get back on track and while I did so I had met a lot of wonderful people. Yes, I wasn’t hanging out with them as much as I really wanted to but nevertheless I knew they were my friends. Especially Zacky and Val. But most importantly I had found a new love. A love that made me feel good about myself and that I grew to cherish with all my heart. Since I laid eyes on Brian everything about me and my life had changed, in a good kinda way. I was incredibly grateful that fate sent Zacky running into me, which led to me meeting the love of my life.

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