Chapter 15

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Brian’s POV

“Watch out! Asshole!” The guy helped his girlfriend up who I ran into accidently. Well actually she ran into me but who the fuck cares?

“Yeah? I-I bet I could s-tretch yours if you were brave e-henough to come back h-here!” I yelled after him almost running into a tree. That guy just glared at me and flipped me off. Who did he think he was? Fuming I threw the bottle of Vodka I had nearly finished after that jerk and fell into the next bush as I lost my balance.

God damn it! What the fuck was wrong with me? I have never drowned my pain in alcohol. Not even in my darkest days. Music had always saved, had always kept me sane but what happened last night was too much.


I came back home from Zacky’s BBQ with a smile on my face. Seeing Katie again was like heaven. Never did I imagine that only the sight of a certain person could make me feel so much better. And her effect on me grew stronger with each moment, each touch that we shared. When at first her presence was bringing me into the light, the sight and even the thought of her filled me up with a happiness that I have missed for so long.

Having her so close to me in the pool and during dinner was so amazing. Especially our moment in the pool when she had hugged me tight: It seemed like she was shaped only to be in my arms, like she was made for me. I just wished we could have more than those short moments together. I wanted to get to know her, I wanted to talk to her without any of my brothers around us. I think I even accepted her close relationship with Zacky, just like Gena somehow did. But still, those few stolen moments weren’t enough for me.

A light bark pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked to my feet and saw my little girl standing on her hind paws trying to get my attention.

“Hey sweetie. How’ve you been?” I picked her up and Pinkly started to lick my face making me laugh. Carrying her to the kitchen I noticed that she needed some food. I sat her down and prepared it for her and when she was finished I let her out through the back door into the garden.

Leaving the French doors open I walked into the living room and slumped down on the couch turning on the TV. I flicked through the channels realizing that every single one of them showed a crime series. Stopping at one I leaned back into the couch and relaxed spreading my arms. He longer I sat there like this the more I missed the feeling of a small warm body snuggled up to mine. Sighing I fished for my phone only to have it going off indicating an incoming text. Raising my eyebrows at the unknown number I opened it.

The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep. xoxo K

My heart pounded against my ribcage as I realized that it was Katie who had texted me. That meant she was thinking of me. Not caring who gave her my number I replied almost instantly:

How can I hope when the night is separating me and the sun of my life? xxx B

Slightly nervous I stared at the screen hoping she would reply soon. And as it happened:

Just because you can’t see the sun doesn’t mean a part of her light isn’t with you. xoxo K

Slowly it was getting darker and the crime series was followed by something Sci-Fi but I didn’t care. Ignoring my surroundings I texted with Katie which made me absolutely happy. Somehow she had gotten my phone number, which means that she was trying to keep in touch outside the group. She wanted me around. All doubts and negatives thoughts from seeing her so close to Zacky and not hearing from her after her first visit in the studio vanished with every message I received from her. It felt really good to talk to her but text messages were way to short and I longed to look into her beautiful grey-blue eyes while listening to what she had to say. So channeling all the courage I had I texted her:

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