Chapter 21

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Oh wow ... it's getting interesting now :D

Brian’s POV

“Oh god, the fans will hate us for teasing them so much.” Arin laughed as we watched the teaser to our first single from the new album for thetenth time or so.

“Naahh, I bet they are used to it by now.” Zacky chuckled.

“They don’t have choice, dude.” I laughed and nudged Arin’s arms.

The last three weeks were absolutely amazing. We were about to finish recording this week and would start mastering the whole album soon. Our fans were anxiously awaiting the new record, it was so much fun reading their tweets or messages on Facebook. The internet was full of them begging for an early release so we decided to send out a little tease to torture them even more.

“This trailer is brilliant. Old footage and that awesome snippet of the song – it’s a killer.” Larry said. And he was right. It was good and weird to choose the scenes from our last tour but it also felt good to carry on. We all had our own personal support that helped us, giving us the strength to pull through.

Katie helped me a lot although I haven’t told her yet about the strokes of fate that shaped me the way I was now. I was unsure if I could put that weight on her soft shoulders. So we didn’t really talk about the bitter sides of the other’s past but only about the funny things that we had experienced so far. Nevertheless she was my sunshine and every time I glanced at her my heart would flip and nothing could change my happy mood.

“Hey, Val just texted me that she and the girls want to go to the beach and they were wondering if we cared to join.” Matt’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“All the girls?” Johnny asked wiggling his eyebrows in my direction. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around his neck having him in a headlock. Everyone laughed as he tried to free himself but failed miserably.

“She just said ‘the girls’ so yeah, probably all of them. Well, I for my part will go.”

“Count us all in. I could use a good surf.” Zacky started to pack his backpack.

“Oh I’m coming too. I wanna see how Z is making a fool of himself … again.” I laughed and let go of Johnny at last. His face was red as a tomato. Arin and he agreed as well, so Matt texted his wife that we were all in.

Happy as a little kid on Christmas Eve I packed my things and kicked Zacky’s ass so he would move faster. But he just chuckled and packed extra slow.

“Hold your panties, Haner. You’ll see her soon enough.” He chuckled and Matt patted my shoulder.

“Oh leave him. He hasn’t seen her for what? Two days now?”

“And I’m dying over here!” I whined.

“So you already have …” Johnny wiggled his eyebrows.

“No, you idiot.” I smacked the back of his head.
“Oww. Sorry man but you used to be really quick when it came to ripping girls panties off.”

“Shut up short shit.” I shouldered my backpack and made my way to my car. He was right though. I used to be merciless, breaking hearts wherever I went but since Michelle and I … I couldn’t do it anymore. Especially with Katie I wanted to be careful and gentle. Yes, we had been making out heavily but every time I went to kiss her neck or let my hands wander she would tense and push me away. I had tried to talk to her about it but she would just shake her head and kiss me again to make me forget. But I didn’t forget. How could I?

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