Chapter 19

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Because of the heavy demands on :)

I hope you guys enjoy it such as much!


Brian’s POV

I was in heaven. Feeling her soft full lips against mine, moving in sync, was the best thing I have ever felt in my whole life. It seemed they were made just for me to kiss them. Her hands moved from my chest to my neck and she wrapped her arms around it as I pulled her closer with my hands on her hips. The kiss deepened the longer it lasted but I didn’t mind at all. She was so intoxicating, not to mention a fantastic kisser. I was melting in her embrace but tensed as I felt her nibbling on my bottom lip. Was this really happening? After all this time was I ready to let someone else in? Her tongue traced my bottom lip and I pulled away to look at her surprised face.

Of course she realized that her forwardness had made me pull away, although it wasn’t the only reason for me to do so. I mean this kiss was just mind blowing. My heart was still racing like crazy and those butterflies intensified the shockwaves that were running through my body even more.

But I had been with Michelle for so long. We had been best friends since forever and when Matt and her twin sister Val got engaged I knew that also she and I were meant to be together. Never had I dreamed of losing her the way I did in the end. After all we had been through I had lost almost everything that had meant the world to me. Was I ready to give love another shot? What if this, whatever it was between me and Katie, wasn’t what I think it was? What if we both only got hurt by this? The last thing I wanted was to hurt her, in one way or another.

But why did I feel the way I felt towards her? Looking in her wide blue eyes I remembered the first moment we had met, after the concert. When I had taken her hand I immediately felt drawn to her and during the few moments we shared afterwards this particular feeling got stronger and stronger. The feeling of coming home.

“I … I’m sorry.” She whispered and snapped me out of my thoughts. Her arms slipped from my shoulders and she backed away, this dark fear back in her eyes. Before I could say something she rushed to my front door and was about to pull it open. Luckily this time I reacted faster and caught her right before she ran off again.

“No! Katie, wait!” I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the door towards me.

“No! Let me go! Please! I beg you!” She cried and fought against me which made me frown. What was that all about? Why was she so scared of me out of a sudden? I tried to be more gentle but her fists punched my arms and chest quite hard. Nevertheless I pulled her into my arms, with her back against my chest, and brought my lips to her ear.

“Shhh baby, it’s me. It’s Brian.” She slowly stopped her flailing. “That’s right baby girl. Relax. I’m not gonna hurt you. Not ever.” I placed soft kisses onto her neck and shoulder and slowly I felt her relax in my arms. I was very curious of the reason behind her reaction. She had seemed like to be somewhere else and not here in my hallway. But instead of pushing the subject I gave her a chance to calm down again. This kiss must have freaked her out more than I thought.

“I’m gonna let go of you now but promise me to stay. Please.” I whispered again. She nodded and slowly I let my arms drop. Then she surprised me again: As my hands came back to her hips she jerked around and wrapped her arms around my neck. She buried her face in the crook of my neck and I couldn’t help but pick her up in a tight embrace. Automatically her legs wrapped themselves around my waist.

Having her like this was absolutely magical. She was so close to me that I could feel the warmth of her skin through her shirt. It seemed like she cured me with every touch we shared, my body was free of all the crazy shit that happened with Michelle or with Jimmy. I felt like floating and a familiar happiness was filling me up from the inside.

A Little Piece of Heaven - {Synyster Gates - Book 1} -Where stories live. Discover now