Chapter 4

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Leo’s POV

I raced upstairs to my girls’ apartment. Sweating and out of breath, I reached their floor and banged my fists impatiently against the wooden door. Surprisingly my brother opened it.

“What happened? Where is she?” I pushed past him and stormed into the living room where Jules sat at the dining table. She looked up from a piece of paper in front of her and her gaze spoke volumes.

“Calm down, sis…” Jordan started but I cut him off.

“Calm down? What the fuck is wrong with you, Jordan? She was just discharged from hospital. She is not supposed to be out of our sight!” I yelled at him.

“Are you implying that it is my fault that she is gone?” He planted himself in front of my threateningly.

“Oh my god, he finally learned to read between the lines!” I spat sarcastically and acted surprised. It was obvious that Jordan wanted to jump down my throat but before that could have happened Jules got between us.

“Guys, stop it!” She placed herself between me and my brother, one hand on my shoulder, the other one on Jordan’s chest. “It’s no use if you tear each other’s throat out. Here, she left a note.” With that she handed me the piece of paper that has been lying in front of her on the table.

Dear Leo and Jules and Jordan and Max,

I am so incredibly sorry but when you read this I will have left the country already. It is for the best right now. Although you guys managed to redecorate the flat in such a wonderful way I couldn’t stay there any longer. Please forgive me that I left without saying goodbye but you know very well that you wouldn’t have let me go if you knew. Don’t worry, I will be fine. I promise.

Leo, please don’t rip Jordan to shreds. It is just as little of his fault as it is yours and you know how much I hate you guys fighting because of me.

Jules, take care of these squabblers for me, will ya? I’m sure you can manage them just fine and you’ll see I’ll be back in no time.

Max, I feel so incredibly bad for not seeing you after my discharge. You have to be the sunshine for both of us now. You have always been the brighter one anyway so it won’t be too much of a problem.

Last but not least, Jordan. It breaks my heart to leave you without saying goodbye or seeing you for one last time. I am sorry for what I have said and I hope you know that I didn’t mean it. Of course it is your business … you always have and always will care for me just as much as I do for you.

I miss and love you guys so much that I couldn’t see you suffering from my stupidity anymore. That’s why I had to leave. And you will see: Everything will be fine in its own time and maybe, if you can truly forgive me, we will see each other again.

With all the love of my heart,


 P.S.: One last thing: Please do not try to find me. I will call you in my own time.

Silence filled the atmosphere around us. I read the words over and over again but it made no sense. What was she talking about? Moreover, where did she go?

I grabbed my phone and dialed Katie’s number but it went straight to her voicemail. I couldn’t believe it! She ran away, half-injured, to god knows where and shut off her goddamn phone! Angrily I tried to call her again. Of course her voicemail answered. This time I waited until the beep tone sounded and then I yelled into my phone:

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