01| Touchdown

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Flashing lights. The warmth of familiarity slipping through her fingers. The ear piercing screams of her siblings drowned out, as she fell through a black hole in the sky. It was just her luck that she landed flat on her back, somehow saving her head from being smashed against the pavement, luckily considering the unusual amount of concussions she had had in the last week.

From her recollection, she had landed in a back alley, she attempted to stand but wobbled over, one of her heels had been broken and as a solution she just pulled them both off and threw them in the dumpster that faced opposite her.

Now shoeless, Katherine addressed her surroundings, the sun shone ridiculously bright and the atmosphere seemed extremely cheery.

"Clearly, no one here's met Luther." Katherine mumbled, beginning to brush off the dust from her outfit.

She walked proudly out of the alleyway, pulling off her jacket and throwing it over her shoulder, she knew she had money somewhere on her, her genius plan consisted first assessing where or when she was.

She browsed around a store for a while, in no real rush as she had no idea where her family were so she knew of nothing that needed to happen right away. In the end she pulled up a pair of flared jeans and a sleeveless, button-up, collaredwhite blouse and a pair of boots, with heels an inch or too shorter than her liking but she would make do.

After approaching the cashier and greeting her kindly, she almost  began to walk away with her knew items before stopping herself.

"This is going to sound fucking bizarre." Katherine began, the young girl at the cash register taken aback by her language, Katherine reminded her self to watch that.

"But what year is it." Katherine finished.

"It's 1961, Ma'am." The girl answered, in an old-fashioned southern accent.

"Just kill me now." Kat whispered under her breath, in awe.

"What was that, Ma'am?" The girl questioned.

"Oh, nothing. Thank you, for your service or whatever." Katherine stammered, quickly turning on her heel and walking out of the store.

Seeing as the speedster had barely any clue where she was she returned back to the alleyway, there she stripped herself of her old, scuffed up clothes and changed into her new clothes that were more appropriate for the time period.

She began to get more than a tad frustrated with herself, she should've also asked where the fuck she was. Then again that poor saleswoman was probably already concerned on why she had to explain to her what year it was. Not to mention, where were the others, she didn't do well alone most of the time, what was she to do, she wasn't good with thinking or ideas in general.

She rummaged through the old clothes that were scattered along the floor and found her phone, and her chanel sunglasses, she popped them onto her face as to hide her identity, before turning to her phone, as she opened it she gathered some hope before she noticed she had no service.

"Fuck!" She screamed, before turning quickly on her heel and throwing the phone against the wall only for it to smash into pieces as it made contact.

Becoming even more angry with herself, she marched out of the alleyway for a second time in attempt to find out where she was, she muttered curse words under her breath which attracted possible unwanted attention but she didn't care enough.

She noticed by the corner of the pavement was a what she would call "an old newspaper vending machine thing" but to the people that lived here this thing was probably relatively normal. She reached in and pulled out a copy of the days paper "The Dallas Morning News".

"Texas? Of all places why Texas?." Katherine whispered under her breath.

It took around a month for Katherine to find means to work. She'd been stealing from big chains and luxury brands around Dallas to keep herself alive and well dressed, as they say if it's a chain it's free reign. She found herself a new sense of style amongst 60s fashion and was working part time as a server at a strip club and spent weekends as the flag girl for the local drag racing.

From there she met, Lottie, an exotic dancer for the bar she worked at, with a heart of good despite peoples opinions of her, and Monty, the guy who taught her to drive the "right" way. The 60s wasn't exactly the perfect place for Katherine to be practicing her powers, she wasn't the Flash now, she was just Katherine. But maybe that was a good thing, a fresh start, she could be whoever she wanted.

So she took out her need for speed on the dirt tracks and by 1962, Katherine was a server by day and the second best drag racer in Dallas by night, all thanks to the new company she kept. She did wonder sometimes if the others would come back for her, or whether any of them got back safely, if Five had left them or maybe she was the only one that survived?

She'd done a fair bit of research into the misplaced people falling from the skies but not ever came up, the name Hargreeves did however come up seems her father's always had a bit of a reputation, though she didn't care to go speak to him, she didn't care for him at all, he'd put her through hell with all his cryptic pre-apocalyptic appearances in her visions.

Most of all she missed Diego, she wondered if wherever he was, If he was still alive, did he miss her too? He'd always hold a special place in her heart, but as the days went by she began to settle into her new life more and more, she didn't dare try and time travel without Five, she was less than amateur at the best of times and feared getting stuck and end up like him.

She'd set herself up a nice life for almost 4 years she enjoyed, the 60's parties with Lottie and the girls almost every night, driving like the world was about to end with Monty, ignoring the sinking feeling of abandonment. That was until September 1963, when a car chase gone wrong ended with Lottie and Katherine being charged with vehicular manslaughter and ended up in the Dallas Women's correctional facility. Not even Katherine could pull off those jumpsuits.


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