12|The Manhunt

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(Chapter 12|The Manhunt)



Arriving downtown, Katherine, Diego and Meredith stepped out of the car and made their way towards a frantic scene of screams. The trio ran towards the scene, the people running in the opposite direction let out shouts of terror.

One of the women making an escape tripped and fell to the floor, Katherine grabbed her arm and helped her up earning a 'thanks' from the woman.

"What's going on down there?"Katherine asked over the screams.

"T-there's men with guns. They're looking for a girl. Katherine, uh, Hargreeves, I think they said." The woman stuttered making Katherine frown and nod before letting her go.

Katherine looked from Meredith to Diego before sighing as the three of them took off in the direction of the noise.

"You don't have to do this, Kat." Meredith warned, jogging slightly as to keep up with Katherine.

"Yes, I do. Innocent people are going to get hurt because of me."

"Need I remind you that he's the one that tried to fucking cheat!" Meredith protested as the group stopped in the crowd of people.

The trio finally caught a glimpse of the man that had been hunting the girls for years. Diego looked down at Katherine, examining her facial expression carefully and trying to predict her next move.

There he was, The Dealer, standing on top of a car, gun in hand surrounded by black cars and large men dressed in black suits. His bellowing voice echoed down the streets for all to here.

"Come out, Katherine! And no one gets hurt!"

Katherine felt a surge of anger and adrenaline rush threw her as she pushed through the crowd of people, she could here the voices of Diego and Meredith shouting after her but they where muffled by rage.

She stood with her feet planted firmly in front of the car, in which Ivanov was standing on, she said nothing and only glared menacingly at him until he noticed her presence.

She felt Diego's hand on her arm attempting to pull her back and after a few attempts him and Meredith simply stood next to her and agreed that they would have her back. When Ivanov had finally noticed the small girl he smiled widely, a cunning grin that would scare most small children before speaking in his deep, ominous voice.

"So Little Girl, finally decided to show up!"

"You're not welcome here, Ivanov! Leave!" Katherine shouted through gritted teeth.

"Not until I get what's mine and you know Miss Hargreeves, I will do what I have to, to get it." He assured.

"There is nothing of yours here! Leave! I won't ask again!" Katherine shouted as Diego locked his hand with hers and she began to calm down.

The Russian man began to chuckle and urged his men to do so as well, although most people would be offended by the jokes they were making, Katherine simply shrugged it off, she couldn't care less about the opinions of a petty cheat.

"What will you do Little Girl? Run into me? I know your dirty secrets now, Flash." He smirked cocking his gun.

Katherine let out a growl through her gritted teeth as she shrugged Diego off of her and used her powers to run up behind him and grab him by the back of his collar, pulling him down to her level.

"You know nothing about me. You will not be getting so much as a cent of your money back. And you do certainly not get to walk onto my territory and threaten me. Do not underestimate me." She whispered threatening into his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

She heard the presence of footsteps behind her as one of the men jumped onto the car and tried to attack her from behind. Vibrating at an immense speed, Katherine phased her hand through the man's chest and watched as his lifeless body hit the floor. By this time, the civilians had escaped and the only people watching had been Diego, Meredith and the other men.

"Now unless you want to end up like your friend, you better get going."

Ivanov's eyes widened with fear, he had no idea of the power that Katherine possessed and quite frankly neither did most people.  As the man stayed silent, Katherine tightened her grip on his collar, making it difficult for him to breath.

"O-okay! You can keep your money! You won't hear from me again! J-just let me go!" He stuttered through shortness of breath.

Katherine smiled in satisfaction before dropping him collar and allowing him to return to a stand before the two enemies jumped down from the car and went their separate ways.

"Fucking hell Kat, are you okay?" Diego asked pulling her into a hug and checking her face.

"I don't think it's her you should be worried about." Meredith laughed looking over to the group of quite frightened men who where checking on Ivanov much to his protests.

There was a victorious silence between the trio and Katherine sighed with relief, the nightmare that her and Meredith had been facing for years might just be over.

"Miss Hargreeves!" Ivanov shouted causing Katherine to whip her head around to face him, a scowl present on her face at the sound of his voice.

"A parting gift." He said smiling, she couldn't tell if it was fake or not and she turned to Diego who merely shrugged and looked rather suspicious.


There was the sound of gunfire and Katherine quickly turned her head to see The Dealer pointing a gun at the group, the bullet already fired. Katherine quickly dodged the bullet but there was an ear-piercing scream coming from behind.

The speedster turned to see Meredith on the ground a large red patch forming on white blouse, she ran over to her friend to comfort her, tears already brimming in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna get you out of here." Katherine assures Meredith.

She turned to the shooter but he had already escaped making the girl sigh in defeat.

Katherine picked up her friend bridal style, being careful as to not cause her anymore pain before turning to Diego, who held a look of shock and regret.

"I've gotta get Mer to the hospital, I'll meet you back at home, uh, start looking for Five or Klaus for that matter I haven't seen him since the break-in." Katherine stuttered before running off, the only trace of her being the blue, electric aura that followed her.

Diego nodded even though he was now alone, he now had a new mission, find his missing brothers, check on the girl he loved and make sure her best friend didn't die.


THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now